Monday, May 28, 2012

Update. A new blog. Maybe a book review.

Hey. I'm sorry that I haven't been posting. I've got a new blog. But before you start SCREAMING! I'm not going to abandon this one. I love this blog. But my new blog that I've just created is more of for stupid/personal stuff. So it's practically just me and my dumbness with no barrier. If you want to visit and read that one just click here.

Oh! And you know that smart asian guy that I mentioned in my post before this? Yeah, bad news. He's not in my tuition class anymore. He's moved up a class because he's so damn freaking smart.

But I still get to see him for like 5 minutes after class so it's all good. Sure I can't ask him to do my homework during class and I can't listen to his ipod anymore's better than not seeing him ENTIRELY.

He's grown taller which I thought was IMPOSSIBLE. Because he's already so TALL. I swear I have to look up to look at his face. (Oh.. funny thing. When I told this to my friend, she said quote: 'You HAVE to look up at everyone, so it's nothing unusual, because you're so short.') Well.. I found that funny. But it's true I'm short.

Oh and the book review thing that I mentioned in the title, is going to be on a book called "Private Peaceful". You guys can go and find it and if you're stupid enough go and read it.

I wasn't stupid enough to go read it but because I'm in AE english the teacher forced us to read it. I HATED the book it was so stupid it KILLED me to read it.

Anyway, if you want my upcoming review to make sense to you go read the book. But let me warn you Private Peaceful = Suicide. Trust me once you read the book you'll understand.

My idiotic brother is telling me to get off the computer, therefore, I have to go. See ya!~

Signing out.