Saturday, October 29, 2011

Update. Promised Review.

Okay, so yes. I haven't done one of those reviews in AWHILE. And this site is supposed to be for reviews..yes? Well... Fear not. I will be uploading a review on the Latest Bleach Movie. WAHOO! Yes, to all you Bleach fans...I'm sure you've heard of the 4th Bleach movie called: Hell Chapter... right? Well, I just watched it yesterday... and it was AWESOME! So yes.. I will be doing a review on it later. And yes, It will contain some spoilers. So if you don't want to know what happens before you watch it then, please don't check out the review.
So please look forward to that. And yes, I know... I still haven't updated a new chapter for my fanfic. And I apologize for not updating it. So, my school holidays ended 2 weeks ago.. and yes, I'm upset about it. And since today is Saturday, I'll list all the events that happened to me this week.

So first.. Monday: Nothing exciting really happened on Monday but the week before this week, I scratched myself while dancing to a few Kpop dances...(I can't dance by the way..)
So, I was dancing in front of my computer... and I was failing. So yeah, then my hand accidently hit my other arm and I scratched it some how.. yes, there was a bit of blood but it was nothing much so it didn't really hurt. It's looking better now and it's kind of healed since it's been like two weeks.

Tuesday... hmm.. nothing really happened much on Tuesday either. It was a normal school day.But, for my dinner I had Japanese Food! My parents prepared it because their like SUPER AWESOME. On Wednesday, Nothing special happened either.OH! I remember, we had this music audition thing for our year 7 graduation at the end of the year, and all the year 7s (Including me!) got to listen to the audition!~ The music was REALLY NICE! But my lunch at achool was really nice!(as WELL!) I got to bring some of the left overs from Tuesday night's dinner. It was SUPER YUMMY!
On Thursday, I had to participate in a class debate. And yes, it involves public speaking, which I'm really bad at. But after I finished my debate I was like: WAHHOOO! FINISHED! BEAT THAT BABY!! And yes, I kind of yelled it out. And yes, I started spinning around and I got really dizzy, yes, at times I can be REALLY WEIRD! (I'm sure you guys already knew that..)
After my debate we had our Ball Room dancing lessons, for the Dinner & Dance thing we're gonna have at the end of the year. (It's for Year 7s!) And yes, I started blushing a lot and my hands started sweating because I was nervous. My hands only sweat when I'm nervous. But then I had to touch some of the guy's hands which were SO MUCH more sweatier than mine! So yeah. I couldn't even look at the guys I was dancing with, in the eyes. And yes, I looked like a red tomato. Oh. JOY! I came home and while I was walking through my house.. I some how managed to scratch my leg. Here's the cut:
(My camera sucks but you can kind of see the red line there right? That's where I scratched my leg.. *sigh*)

And yesterday, was Friday. But I had no school. Because it was CHOGM. The Queen came to Perth and everything. So we couldn't go to school. Because it was something to do with if the people go to school or work the roads get jammed with cars and they want it free for the Queen, or something like that..But it was cool though.. since I had no school! YEAH!~

So that was like my little update thingy on my week. And I'll be doing the Bleach Hell Chapter Review soon.

Signing off.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I Sincerely Apologize.

I know.. I know.

I did not update over my school holidays. Even though I promised that I would. You have a right to get angry.

But it was the School Holidays! I was...busy. Hey! It's the holidays and I wanted to make use of it.. for stuff like sleeping in until it's like Lunch time. Or staying at my computer for like 12 hours a day. Yeah, sure I spent all my time watching animes and I haven't been updating my fanfic and there's heaps of people who read my fanfics, getting angry. But, I can't help it!

But hey, I'm sort of updating now. And my school starts on Tuesday...*sigh* Well, this is my last term as a year 7 student and next year I'll be facing the problem called: HIGHSCHOOL.

I'm sure I'll be fine though. I mean most of my friends now are going to that highschool. Yes.. it's not the super smart school for SUPER smart people. I'm sorry that I failed the hard test. But I got in to this other school that I actually wanted to go to. It's the same highschool as the one my siblings went to. They'll both be in Uni next year. So.. I'm alone.

Also, my sister has a SUPER BIG obsession to this guy from the KPOP group: 2PM. I'm sure most of you have heard of them. If you're asian, you're surely to know them. They kinda look like this:                      

Yeah. You've all seen them before I'm sure. They sang the HeartBeat song.

Okay, so the picture I showed you just know is their NORMAL picture. But you see my sister is kind of like a pervert and this is her favourite picture of them:


Yes. She likes to see topless men that are standing in water.Because her head is THAT twisted that she finds pleasure in seeing half-naked men that are...wet.

And this is her favourite guy:

His name is Chansung. If you want to find out more about him click here.

  And my sister found this picture of Changsung and his other group member called: Taecyeon .. together.It looks like this: 
This picture disturbed me GREATLY. And yes.
Changsung is the guy on the left..flashing his..umm..

Thank you very much for listening to me rant.
Signing Off.