Friday, April 6, 2012


This is my first post since I've started High School. I know that I haven't been blogging for quite some time. I got caught up in tests and homework! Anyway, now is THE HOLIDAYS  and that means I can relax and just be a pig. (Which I'm really good at doing by the way.)

So far, I've finally gotten a mobile phone, which I'm not using for anything, since I only have $30 to last me for like 6 months. I also won a movie ticket from my tuition centre. Apparently the first time I took the test at the place I failed miserably, and I got a big improvement for my recent test! So I got a ticket! The thing is the smart/ hot guy sitting next to me in tuition got one too, but his was because he scored the highest marks!
Ahh.. he's so damn smart!
He's also really tall and mature and he's only my age just that he's like 7 or 8 months older than me!

There was also this indian guy sitting next to us, that started jokingly, saying to us (The frigging elite and I) that we should go to the movies together. Inside, I was hitting myself and going "DAMN YOU! You just made me want to go to the movies with him."

Afterwards, I asked him who he was going to go to the movies with, he answered : "I'll probably go with my mates."  When he asked me, I was like: "I'll probably go by myself..They should have given me two tickets!"

See, a normal person would have thought this: "OMG, the chick's crazy! She just started screaming!" but,  I make friends with guyfriends that don't mind if I start randomly screaming or crying.

Which is why I kinda like hanging out with guys more than girls. But of course, my really close girlfriends that I've known for 7 years can never be replaced.

So anyway,  I found someone to go with me to the movies, and unfortunately, it's not my lovely anime husband. (delusional) But she's still cool. She's my friend, and she wanted to watch the Hunger Games. So, we're going to watch it! I only know one of the actors in there but I only liked him as a child.

Everyone's been raving about the Hunger Games and such so.. yeah. I might post a review on it after I watch it this Tuesday.
And no, I've never read the book. I've never actually been  interested in the Hunger Games books. Because I read other books. I liked Skulduggery books though.. now they were AWESOME!

If you like Skulduggery as well, follow me on TWITTER!

They should make a Skulduggery movie.

Also, I'll be flying to Melbourne this Thursday. Which will be cool, if anyone's flying to Melbourne or lives in  Melbourne or just wants to visit Melbourne then follow me on Twitter!

(I don't know why I keep saying follow me on Twitter but..okay. I've been deprived on sleep.)

Also, for people that read my fanfic, I might be uploading a new one soon.. probably a one-shot.
And I'll try to finish my current fanfic that I'm working on too!
Thank you for being so patient!

Signing Off,

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