Friday, December 23, 2011

Bleach Movie 4 Review: Hell Chapter

I know, I know... I said that I would upload this review like 9 or 10 weeks ago... I'm REALLY sorry! I was busy with school and everything! It was my last year and everything... But I graduated last week and next year I have to look forward to high school life. JOY. Anyway, as I said before... this review contains spoilers like many of my other reviews so just to make it clear:

SPOILER!!   (I hope that made it clear...)

Review:  I am a BIG Bleach fan, and I'm sure most of you know that already... And like all the other Bleach Movies, I definitely recommend that you watch this one! It's the 4th Bleach Movie that has come out and it's called: Hell Chapter.

So, it starts of with these "Sinners" from Hell wanting to escape. But they are held back by these chains that they can't break free from. And SURPRISE SURPRISE! Ichigo is the only one with enough strength to break them free. Which he's not supposed to do, because they have to atone for their sins in Hell. The "Sinners" then kidnap his younger sister: Yuzu. They use her as  bait to make Ichigo free them. (They take her back to Hell with them.)

He and all the awesome people from Bleach go with him to help and a Sinner (That pretends to be good.) guides them to where Yuzu is in Hell. But it's dangerous if Ichigo uses his power to help them escape from Hell. Because his power is uncontrollable he can destroy Karakura Town and the Real world.

The thing is he can't really control his power in Hell because it triggers his Full Hollow transformation.

What I really hate about this movie is that Orihimi takes advantage of the situation when times are down for Ichigo and she goes and hugs him from behind. Think I'm lying? (I wish it wasn't true.) Here's proof:

And this was revenge for letting her hug his back.

HEHE. Also is this movie he got a new transformation! With Hell's help of course!

It looks like this! And it's GOLD! :

I recommend that you watch it! And people have uploaded it online already so just watch it off the net.

Signing off,

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