Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mackeral Run!!!

I have been wanting to see this funneeee drama since last year when I found it on youtube!!
And now I can finally got my hands on it!! (Well..actually my Uncle does but fig.)

Me is sooo HAPPEEEEEEE!!!!!!! (breaks glass) (oooopseeeeeee....)

So when I go back to Malaysia for a visit I'll be able to watch it!!
I like the Drama because it has one of my favs. actor in it!! (Lee Min Ho!!) !EEEEEEEEEEEEE!
(Shatters glass) hehe...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chocolate Drop Cupcakes ^.^ and maybe more!

I promised that I would write about my Chocolate Cupcakes so here it is:

This batch of cupcakes was not as nice and as addictive as the butterfly ones. But they are still yummy.(I hope.)
It wasn't as easy to spread the icing, it was kind of lumpy.
The sprinkles tasted like m&m's
Oh! It was also hard to tell whether the cupcake was burnt or not because of the chocolate. (It was already brown to begin with!)

Other than that it was a success! I haven't tried it yet but my mum says it tastes nice.

Changing the subject now...(Away from the cupcakes!)

I'm going back to Malaysia in about a weeks time. Just for a visit.
Me and my sister plan to buy heaps and heaps of sweets there, we're also going to buy sour plums! (As long as they're not made in China.)

The only bad thing is that it's so HOT and HUMID over there.
(The last time we went there my sister got an allergic reaction and half of her face swelled up!)
(It was hilarious!)
Maple Story

Click here to play this game

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cupcakes!! :P and more

Yesterday, I made Butterfly cupcakes!! (That's what it said on the packet.)

It was super sweet and highly addictive! The icing was very addictive...
And may I just say moi is a really good icing spreader. I can make the icing super swurly!! *^*
(Super super swurly!!)
I went HIGH on the icing. And if your wondering what colour was the cupcake, it was PINK.
And, no, I am not a fan of the colour PINK. I'm actually the fan of the colour BLUE.

Oh! And does anyone know how to sprinkle on little sprinkles on top of cupcakes? Because I don't.
It might be really funny that I'm asking this question....but it really is hard trying to sprinkle on toppings. (I'm serious)

Today, I might make chocolate cupcakes. You might be wondering why I'm making cupcakes, because I'm not really a person who bakes stuff.It's not my forte
The reason I'm baking is because my mum bought heaps of these boxes that gives you all these ingredients and it tells you how to bake stuff, so I'm trying out the boxes and I must tell you that I am most successful in baking.(Except for the time when me and my sister tried out this recipe for smartie cookies on the Internet and it came out HORRIBLE!!)
(And I had to eat all the rejected cookies.)

I'll tell you how the chocolate cupcakes come out, later.

More coming back at you!



I have created a new blog.
I had an old one but it was abit too bright....
So I created a new one!
On my blog page, I will be writing about my view of things and what I like and the events going on in every one's life. It will also be showing all of one's life challenges , and many more..

My dream is to become a journalist, and write for a living.
Even though I'm not an adult yet....I guess I'm an early planner. Or not...
I like reading books and sleeping.

I also like watching anime and eating Japanese food.I really fascinated with japanese items to be honest.

I do not like waking up early(maybe that's why I'm so short) but I have to. I guess you could say I'm not an early riser.(Put up your hand if you like sleeping in!!) :P

My favourite author? Definitely Meg Cabot.
Favourite colour? Definitely blue... Never pink. (I'm breaking the "Never say never" rule)
Hair colour? Black with a tinch of brown.
What style I like my hair? Short.
Favourite food? Definitely eggs! (I was thinking I should make a book called "999 ways to serve up eggs" Trust me it'll be the best book in this whole century!! Hopefully there isn't a book out there like it yet..)

Do you not believe that eggs are the best thing ever?
Fine than take a look at this: You can cook it like this:

Still not convinced? What about this?:

And have you ever tasted this egg? It's call "Tea eggs" Make not look nice to eat but trust me they are delish!!:

Ok, I think that's enough eggs for today.. I'm getting kinda full..

*cough* Anyway... Continuing...

Kind of music i like? Depends.
Cats or dogs? Defintely dogs.. (Kinda sad when you see people in Korea eat dogs..)

More blogs coming back at you!

That's it for now,

Beatthatview. Signing off.