Saturday, June 26, 2010



I have created a new blog.
I had an old one but it was abit too bright....
So I created a new one!
On my blog page, I will be writing about my view of things and what I like and the events going on in every one's life. It will also be showing all of one's life challenges , and many more..

My dream is to become a journalist, and write for a living.
Even though I'm not an adult yet....I guess I'm an early planner. Or not...
I like reading books and sleeping.

I also like watching anime and eating Japanese food.I really fascinated with japanese items to be honest.

I do not like waking up early(maybe that's why I'm so short) but I have to. I guess you could say I'm not an early riser.(Put up your hand if you like sleeping in!!) :P

My favourite author? Definitely Meg Cabot.
Favourite colour? Definitely blue... Never pink. (I'm breaking the "Never say never" rule)
Hair colour? Black with a tinch of brown.
What style I like my hair? Short.
Favourite food? Definitely eggs! (I was thinking I should make a book called "999 ways to serve up eggs" Trust me it'll be the best book in this whole century!! Hopefully there isn't a book out there like it yet..)

Do you not believe that eggs are the best thing ever?
Fine than take a look at this: You can cook it like this:

Still not convinced? What about this?:

And have you ever tasted this egg? It's call "Tea eggs" Make not look nice to eat but trust me they are delish!!:

Ok, I think that's enough eggs for today.. I'm getting kinda full..

*cough* Anyway... Continuing...

Kind of music i like? Depends.
Cats or dogs? Defintely dogs.. (Kinda sad when you see people in Korea eat dogs..)

More blogs coming back at you!

That's it for now,

Beatthatview. Signing off.

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