Saturday, April 23, 2011

Vampire Knight Anime review

Okay, So, I kinda just finished watching the anime called : "Vampire Knight". Actually, for years I have neglected watching the anime "Vampire Knight". While everyone around me were praising this anime, I just simply thought, "Gosh, My reasons for not watching this anime: It's to do with vampires, It seems like the kind of animes that emos would watch and it just didn't look interesting..."

I know some of you anime lovers out there LOVE this anime and you guys LOVE vampires. Now, I don't see why people think that vampires are hot , cool, lovable. Because to me, Vampires are scary and they're freaks, on the other hand WEREWOLVES they're just awesome. I mean seriously, When you have a WEREWOLF for your boyfriend, you get two pluses! You instantly get a hot boyfriend and a DOG! Where as, if you have a vampire for a boyfriend, all you've got is a freak of nature thirsting for your blood, waiting to just KILL YOU! And also if you ever get sick, they can't warm you up with their body heat, their damn frickin' cold. And they look so pale and white. I mean seriously, who the hell wants that?

Anyway, back to the anime review. Now, if you have never seen Vampire Knight and you don't want me to spoil this for you please stop reading. So, the story line is this:

When this girl named Yuuki, was five years old, she was going to get attacked by a vampire, then this pureblood, named Kaname, comes along and saves her. Now, this Yuuki girl, could only remember that point in her life. That memory was her earliest memory. A headmaster at a school adopts her and takes care of her. A few years later, a boy named: Zero comes along. Apparently, his family got attacked by a pureblood vampire. The headmaster takes him in as well... Also, his parents were Vampire Hunters. Now, in the present time, Zero and Yuuki are in middle school, They're prefects. The story goes on and on, then Yuuki finds out that Zero is a Vampire, she then feeds him blood from time to time... Yuuki has known Zero for 4 years and she never knew that Zero was a vampire... Soon afterwards, Yuuki finds out that she is a pureblood Vampire! And then she finds out that Kaname and herself are siblings... And that their own parents married themselves as well so that they would produce kids that are purebloods as well... Zero, finds out that Yuuki is a pureblood vampire and he hates purebloods, because a pureblood vampire killed his parents and manipulated his twin brother. In the end, Kaname and Yuuki go together and Zero says that if he ever sees Yuki ever again, he'd kill her.

Now, i am pretty upset with this useless thing that says it's anime, because seriously? Yuuki doesn't end up with the hot Zero, No, she ends up with her stupid pureblood brother, i mean seriously?! that's just GROSS! And this anime made me so annoyed! Because everytime, Kaname would always butt in when there was a Zero and Yuuki moment going on..! I have been screaming at my laptop like literally screaming.. And I was so tempted to pull out all my hair! Because this anime just kept annoying me...!

And my hating Vampires kinda didn't help... When I actually finished watching it I was just like YES!! WOOHOO!!! And I started dancing around the house! My parents were just like: " WTH are you doing?!". Now, on with the rating of this anime...

I would rate this anime: 3.7

I'm sorry , And I don't mean to be mean but... It truly sucks!

Signing off,

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fruit Basket!

Okay, So I've been busy watching/ reading Fruit basket! It is the best ever! My favourite character! Is: Kyo! He is the cat and he wasn't allowed to join the zodiac because the rat tricked him! Here's a clip of stuff:

Story line: Tohru, an orphan and is a hard-working girl. Stumbles upon the Sohma's curse of the jyuunishi (Twelve Zodiacs Animal). The Sohmas turn into their original animal spirits when they are hugged by the opposite gender. After some time.. they turn back into their human selves.. Just that, there's a little twist to it...She starts living with the Sohmas and becomes dear friends with all of them! She lives under the same roof with Kyo (Cat), Shigure (Dog) and Yuki (Rat). Until, she meets Akito... (God of all the Zodiac animals). What will happen to them?

This is Akito:

This is Kyo:

This is Shigure:

This is Yuki:

Usually I don't give a rating but: I rate this anime: 7.67 out of 10

I strongly recommend that you watch this anime.. It brought me great pleasure! And I even cried at least 3 times during the whole thing! It also made me LAUGH! There are some HILARIOUS scenes in there and this anime isn't all sexual.. In fact, it doesn't have any sexual scenes.. And if you are going to watch this.. please watch it with japanese audio and english subtitles.. It is so much better that english Dub! I think that this anime is rated PG.. Since it might be for people who have at least reached the age of 12- 13. Please Enjoy watching this.

Signing off.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrine

Yeah, Everyone talks about Neil Armstrong. Everyone KNOWS who Neil Armstrong is. Even my Grandmother, who by the way does not speak English!, knows him. (But you know she's learning how to speak now, she can name all the spices in English, but she's kind of having trouble with "onions".)

But may I just ask you... Do you know who "Buzz Aldrine" is? Today I talking to my mum about Buzz Aldrine. And after my whole speech, she just stared and asked me, "Who's Buzz Aldrine?" See? No one knows who the hell Buzz Aldrine is! They only know Neil Armstrong! So what? He was the guy who supposedly the first man who walked onto the moon.. well you know what? That's Bull crap, because you know who the first guy who walked onto the moon was? Yeah, Not Neil Armstrong. But it was the camera man.. But did he get any credit? No, he didn't. I didn't even get to see his face. And He deserves the most...

The people who built the friggin rocket also deserves more effort than Neil.. All Neil did was sit his big fat bum down in the rocket and fly off! And seriously, Buzz should get at least the same amount of credit that Neil got.. But you know who actually named a charcter based on Buzz? That's right Toy Story.. Buzz Lightyear. I mean you don't see Neil Lightyear.. Do you? At least someone gave Buzz a little credit..

So everybody, give other people some credit too.. you're not the only star that shines...

Signing off.