Monday, April 4, 2011

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrine

Yeah, Everyone talks about Neil Armstrong. Everyone KNOWS who Neil Armstrong is. Even my Grandmother, who by the way does not speak English!, knows him. (But you know she's learning how to speak now, she can name all the spices in English, but she's kind of having trouble with "onions".)

But may I just ask you... Do you know who "Buzz Aldrine" is? Today I talking to my mum about Buzz Aldrine. And after my whole speech, she just stared and asked me, "Who's Buzz Aldrine?" See? No one knows who the hell Buzz Aldrine is! They only know Neil Armstrong! So what? He was the guy who supposedly the first man who walked onto the moon.. well you know what? That's Bull crap, because you know who the first guy who walked onto the moon was? Yeah, Not Neil Armstrong. But it was the camera man.. But did he get any credit? No, he didn't. I didn't even get to see his face. And He deserves the most...

The people who built the friggin rocket also deserves more effort than Neil.. All Neil did was sit his big fat bum down in the rocket and fly off! And seriously, Buzz should get at least the same amount of credit that Neil got.. But you know who actually named a charcter based on Buzz? That's right Toy Story.. Buzz Lightyear. I mean you don't see Neil Lightyear.. Do you? At least someone gave Buzz a little credit..

So everybody, give other people some credit too.. you're not the only star that shines...

Signing off.

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