Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Assignment is So Annoying.

Okay, so I have this assignment that I had to complete. And I was doing my assignment on this book called: Rock & Role. It is also a book in the Cinderella Cleaners series. This is the first book that I've read from the Cinderella Cleaners series.

Okay, this book isn't terrible but, the main character, Diana is kinda full of herself and her friends are seriously shit. My assignment required me to write a letter to a friend stating the character's adventures and it had to be in the main character's point of view.

This is how my assignment looked like after I've finished with it:


Book: Cinderella Cleaners: Rock & Role. Author: Maya Gold.

By: Shalinn Yeap

Dear Nelson,

Thank you for the magical vest that you made for me. Without the vest, I would have never been able to be in the cast for Tasha Kane’s music video. You really are a life saver.

You probably want to know about my adventures to how I got to be in her music video right? Well, here it is:

Mrs. Felter, also known as Lyndia Felter, dropped something off at our cleaners and she couldn’t come back to pick up the piece of clothing, so my dad entrusted me to deliver the clothing back to her. Apparently, I had to deliver it to RiverVista Estates.

On my way there I bumped into Will, one of my friends. He was holding a tray FULL of drinks. He said they were for his dad and some other people.

I started asking Will some questions about his dad and he told me a VERY BIG secret! He told me that his dad was a sound engineer for Tasha Kane’s new music video! I was so SHOCKED!

But I had to keep it a secret because I promised Will that I wouldn’t tell anyone! He then promised me that I could see Tasha Kane so we walked to the super secret studio where Tasha Kane was. (I so didn’t expect you to be working there!)

I didn’t want to look like an idiot carrying a vest in a dry cleaners bag so I wore the vest. It looked GREAT on me.

We went past the security guard and we saw Tasha Kane singing! Well, she was recording her song. Her song sounded fabulous.

She saw me afterwards and she complimented on the vest that wasn’t mine. (Because you know I steal stuff just so I look good!) She also complimented on my multi-coloured shoe-laces.

I was also promised a music video audition if I wore the vest to the audition, but how could I do that? This wasn’t my vest!

Luckily, you were there Nelson! As I said before, you saved my life!

For the audition, we could pick a friend to go with us so I picked Sara! (Which is one of my friends.) I told her not to tell anyone about Tasha Kane or her music video.

I got in trouble at the cleaners because I didn’t return the vest in time. But it didn’t matter now because you, Nelson made a copy of the vest that was BETTER than the original!

Sara looked stunning for the audition. She really went ALL OUT! She wore a really long big Indian dress!

But after awhile, Sara could keep her big mouth shut! She had to tell everyone! My best friend got angry at me because I didn’t tell her about Tasha Kane.

Will got angry at me because he trusted me, but it wasn’t my fault! Sara was the one that told EVERYONE!

I apologized to Jess and she said it was also her fault for getting jealous. Will forgave me soon after that and we were lucky because Sara didn’t tell anyone where the studio was.

After we did the music video, everything was back to normal and I got two free Tasha Kane T-shirts for my two step sisters. Since they love her SO MUCH!

Once again, thank you Nelson! And I’ll hope you’ll come back to work at Cinderella Cleaners!

Yours Sincerely,


This is how, I would've liked to type it.


Book: Cinderella Cleaners: Rock & Role. Author: Maya Gold.

By: Shalinn Yeap

Dear Nelson,

Thank you for the magical vest that you made for me. Without the vest, I would have never been able to be in the cast for Tasha Kane’s music video. You really are a life saver.(You know, because I’m too much of a bum to make it myself, and you’re just some one that I can rely on. And I’m so not reliable because I don’t even know how to return a vest on time, Instead I wear it and it’s not even mine.)

You probably want to know about my adventures to how I got to be in her music video right? (Yeah, I got in because of a vest that I technically ‘stole’ and I have no talent what so ever so the only reason why I got into the video was because of this vest. That does not belong to me!) Well, here it is:

Mrs. Felter, also known as Lyndia Felter, dropped something off at our cleaners and she couldn’t come back to pick up the piece of clothing, so my dad entrusted me to deliver the clothing back to her. Apparently, I had to deliver it to RiverVista Estates.( Yeah, I had to DELIVER it, not WEAR IT and say it’s a gift from a friend.)

On my way there I bumped into Will, one of my friends. He was holding a tray FULL of drinks. He said they were for his dad and some other people.

I started asking Will some questions about his dad and he told me a VERY BIG secret! He told me that his dad was a sound engineer for Tasha Kane’s new music video! I was so SHOCKED! (Yeah, and I only like her because she’s famous.)

But I had to keep it a secret because I promised Will that I wouldn’t tell anyone! He then promised me that I could see Tasha Kane so we walked to the super secret studio where Tasha Kane was. (I so didn’t expect you to be working there!)

I didn’t want to look like an idiot carrying a vest in a dry cleaners bag so I wore the vest. It looked GREAT on me. (Yeah, this vest isn’t even mine! So I should just get sued for wearing it! And guess what? I didn’t even pay the person when I returned their clothing LATE! But you know who cares? Cause I look FABULOUS in it! NOT!)

We went past the security guard and we saw Tasha Kane singing! Well, she was recording her song. Her song sounded fabulous. ( Nah, I lied. Her song just keeps repeating over and over! This is how her lyrics go: “Have you heard? Have you heard? Have you heard the word?” I mean seriously? Can you be any GAYER?)

She saw me afterwards and she complimented on the vest that wasn’t mine. (Because you know I steal stuff just so I look good!) She also complimented on my multi-coloured shoe-laces.

I was also promised a music video audition if I wore the vest to the audition, but how could I do that? This wasn’t my vest! (Yeah, it’s NOT MY VEST! But whatever, I’m so going to be in a music video!)

Luckily, you were there Nelson! As I said before, you saved my life! (As I said before, I’m a lazy bum.)

For the audition, we could pick a friend to go with us so I picked Sara! (Which is one of my friends. That I can’t even trust because she told everyone about Tasha
Kane, but birds of a feather flock together right?) I told her not to tell anyone about Tasha Kane or her music video.

I got in trouble at the cleaners because I didn’t return the vest in time. But it didn’t matter now because you, Nelson made a copy of the vest that was BETTER than the original! (Yeah, which I didn’t make myself!)

Sara looked stunning for the audition. She really went ALL OUT! She wore a really long big Indian dress! (Stuffed up much? You know what’s worse? She said: “Is it too much?” Yeah.. Ya think?)

But after awhile, Sara could keep her big mouth shut! She had to tell everyone! My best friend got angry at me because I didn’t tell her about Tasha Kane.

Will got angry at me because he trusted me, but it wasn’t my fault! Sara was the one that told EVERYONE!

I apologized to Jess and she said it was also her fault for getting jealous. Will forgave me soon after that and we were lucky because Sara didn’t tell anyone where the studio was.

After we did the music video, everything was back to normal and I got two free Tasha Kane T-shirts for my two step sisters. Since they love her SO MUCH!

Once again, thank you Nelson! And I’ll hope you’ll come back to work at Cinderella Cleaners!

Yours Sincerely,

Diana. ( The stuff- up)

Okay, that's my little rant. And if you wanted to read that book, I probably like gave you alot of spoilers. But if you're like me? You'd be VERY annoyed with this book if you are like DIANA then you would love this book. Because it's practically ABOUT YOU. Anyway, I'm going now so bye!

Signing out.

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