Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hello my fellow living forms.

Yes. It's been a while since I've updated. No, I wasn't dead.
Okay, I'm feeling a bit weird maybe because I ate alot of expired chocolate.
What? It was only expired for a few days. And it was because my sister got some chocolate as a birthday present. Expired chocolate for a birthday present. Real nice.

Yeah she didn't want to eat it so I ate it. It'll be a shame to waste it.

So I ate it! Well, half of it anyway.

So it's my sister's birthday today, and so, happy birthday to her!
I would tell you her name but I don't want you guys to go and stalk her and stuff. Because that would be just creepy.

Anyway, I can tell you her age! She is now officially 19!

But she's still REALLY immature. And she's still really lazy.
(AND I put the cute hamster picture there because I like it. It's cute..)

Also, my birthday is coming up soon! It's on the 29th of September! And you can send me like happy birthday thing by tweeting me here.

I would give you my facebook account thing. But I don't want you guys stalking me either.
Because.. I'm not really much to stalk. I'll be at my computer! Or sleeping in my lovely broken bed.

And I know I need to upload more reviews and stuff. And I also need to upload chapter 6 of my AMUTO fanfic. If you want to read it please click here.

I'll try to update more anime reviews and other reviews. But you have to be patient with me.

And today for lunch I'm having japanese ramen! My dad cooks the BEST japanese food ever!

(That is not the ramen my dad cooked I found this picture on the internet. Google image to be exact.)

So I shall be indulging in the YUMINESS of japanese food while you go read something else!

Signing off.

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