Friday, January 11, 2013

Sorry... Maybe..?

Hello. I'm not even sure if you still recognise me. It has been at least six months since we last 'talked'.

I don't blame you if you don't really like me at the moment. After all, I did kinda initiate the 'break-up' between us.

Well, I'm here right now to update you on a few things and to explain to you about what has been happening and also the reason I was away for so long.

I didn't 'talk' to you and 'neglected' you because I kinda did replace you.

I know you're probably shocked and thinking 'HOW COULD YOU?!' But don't over react.

I told you guys that I had a tumblr account and that is where I was.

I updated my blog posts there as well since it was convenient.

So please go check out my tumblr:

Ummm. Right now it's my school holidays. Yes, it's very nice to sleep late and wake up late.

(In fact, I'm lying in bed as I am writing this.. Hehe. Just woke up after all. See? That's how much I love you guys, I update you the first thing after I wake up!)

Well, next month school will be starting and I'll be in year 9!

Wish me luck I guess.

Signing out.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Update. A new blog. Maybe a book review.

Hey. I'm sorry that I haven't been posting. I've got a new blog. But before you start SCREAMING! I'm not going to abandon this one. I love this blog. But my new blog that I've just created is more of for stupid/personal stuff. So it's practically just me and my dumbness with no barrier. If you want to visit and read that one just click here.

Oh! And you know that smart asian guy that I mentioned in my post before this? Yeah, bad news. He's not in my tuition class anymore. He's moved up a class because he's so damn freaking smart.

But I still get to see him for like 5 minutes after class so it's all good. Sure I can't ask him to do my homework during class and I can't listen to his ipod anymore's better than not seeing him ENTIRELY.

He's grown taller which I thought was IMPOSSIBLE. Because he's already so TALL. I swear I have to look up to look at his face. (Oh.. funny thing. When I told this to my friend, she said quote: 'You HAVE to look up at everyone, so it's nothing unusual, because you're so short.') Well.. I found that funny. But it's true I'm short.

Oh and the book review thing that I mentioned in the title, is going to be on a book called "Private Peaceful". You guys can go and find it and if you're stupid enough go and read it.

I wasn't stupid enough to go read it but because I'm in AE english the teacher forced us to read it. I HATED the book it was so stupid it KILLED me to read it.

Anyway, if you want my upcoming review to make sense to you go read the book. But let me warn you Private Peaceful = Suicide. Trust me once you read the book you'll understand.

My idiotic brother is telling me to get off the computer, therefore, I have to go. See ya!~

Signing out.

Friday, April 6, 2012


This is my first post since I've started High School. I know that I haven't been blogging for quite some time. I got caught up in tests and homework! Anyway, now is THE HOLIDAYS  and that means I can relax and just be a pig. (Which I'm really good at doing by the way.)

So far, I've finally gotten a mobile phone, which I'm not using for anything, since I only have $30 to last me for like 6 months. I also won a movie ticket from my tuition centre. Apparently the first time I took the test at the place I failed miserably, and I got a big improvement for my recent test! So I got a ticket! The thing is the smart/ hot guy sitting next to me in tuition got one too, but his was because he scored the highest marks!
Ahh.. he's so damn smart!
He's also really tall and mature and he's only my age just that he's like 7 or 8 months older than me!

There was also this indian guy sitting next to us, that started jokingly, saying to us (The frigging elite and I) that we should go to the movies together. Inside, I was hitting myself and going "DAMN YOU! You just made me want to go to the movies with him."

Afterwards, I asked him who he was going to go to the movies with, he answered : "I'll probably go with my mates."  When he asked me, I was like: "I'll probably go by myself..They should have given me two tickets!"

See, a normal person would have thought this: "OMG, the chick's crazy! She just started screaming!" but,  I make friends with guyfriends that don't mind if I start randomly screaming or crying.

Which is why I kinda like hanging out with guys more than girls. But of course, my really close girlfriends that I've known for 7 years can never be replaced.

So anyway,  I found someone to go with me to the movies, and unfortunately, it's not my lovely anime husband. (delusional) But she's still cool. She's my friend, and she wanted to watch the Hunger Games. So, we're going to watch it! I only know one of the actors in there but I only liked him as a child.

Everyone's been raving about the Hunger Games and such so.. yeah. I might post a review on it after I watch it this Tuesday.
And no, I've never read the book. I've never actually been  interested in the Hunger Games books. Because I read other books. I liked Skulduggery books though.. now they were AWESOME!

If you like Skulduggery as well, follow me on TWITTER!

They should make a Skulduggery movie.

Also, I'll be flying to Melbourne this Thursday. Which will be cool, if anyone's flying to Melbourne or lives in  Melbourne or just wants to visit Melbourne then follow me on Twitter!

(I don't know why I keep saying follow me on Twitter but..okay. I've been deprived on sleep.)

Also, for people that read my fanfic, I might be uploading a new one soon.. probably a one-shot.
And I'll try to finish my current fanfic that I'm working on too!
Thank you for being so patient!

Signing Off,

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This Is When 2012 Officially Starts For Me

So, I'm starting my first year of High School tomorrow. And it's gonna be good. I'm gonna make it good.
This is when my life officially starts. When the clock strikes 12 tonight, that's when I begin. That's when I take over. I'm going to control my life from here.

Everything is going to be new for me. I'll have my new shoes and my new uniform. Even a new bag. When I walk through those school gates tomorrow, I'm going to be trying my best! Giving it everything I've got!
I'm not going to let life push me along anymore! And I'm going to do well in my studies!

And I'm going to take life by the balls! [Okay.. yeah.. that sounds gross.]

[Okay, so that's what I've been feeling, and I've got a good feeling about this. Also, from now on.. I'm going to keep my feeling for this anime guy at a minimal level. Instead of exploding with moe. But I don't know if I can control it. I'm gonna try my best at that too.]

So, yes, I'm back in Australia and away from my holiday in Malaysia. And Hong Kong. And that wasn't the best trip. But I've had worse. I'm still not fitting in with my cousin and my sister. And I'm starting to feel like my sister's not her anymore. I mean seriously! How am I suppose to feel when she tells me that she's kissed 8 guys  [with the tongues, which is hell gross! I mean how do you stick your tongue in another being's mouth!] she's known for not that long! And 4 of them she didn't even have any feelings for them! How messed up is that?!

So I'm sorry, that I say it's gross when you tell me that! I'm sorry that my reaction wasn't : "WOW! That's that best! I'm gonna worship you now!". You know what? I actually feel sorry for you. You didn't even lose your first kiss with a guy that you even possibly thought of sharing your WHOLE life with!  AND you did it willingly!

[Atleast my first kiss was an accident! So I didn't do it willingly..]

So anyway, that was just one of the things that I experienced on my holiday! I'll do another post soon on the places I visited on my holiday.

Signing off.

Monday, January 2, 2012


So it's the new year..and it's 2012! 2011 sure went by fast.. I'm entering High school this year.
I hope you had a terrific Christmas. And I hope you got lots of presents!


The presents that I received weren't much but I still got the feeling of excitement while opening them, so, I can't complain. HEHE. 冗談だ 
But, seriously, I'm happy I even received anything!~ I got my first perfume bottle. (Which I'm not really happy about..because I hardly go out anyway. But I do like staring at perfume bottles.) I received a really awesome bottle from my friend. (Which was red and white so I guess it's kind of Christmas related. She gave it to me because she thought I wanted one since I was always hugging her waterbottle. And Rachii, if you're reading this now, I was hugging it because it was filled with ice and right now, in Australia it's summer and WAY TOO HOT! But I appreciate it! It's really cute!~かわいい~)
We had Christmas lunch at my parent's friend's house (As always, Tradition.), that was where I received freebies from the alchohol that they buy. Such as a: Triple Distilled Vodka phone pouch and a Triple Distilled Vodka Keychain. And another water bottle. (Seriously peoples! What's it with the water bottle?! This year I received so many water bottles I have a whole top shelf filled with water bottles. I threw some away thought because they were made of cheap plastic..) Now back to the alchohol items! I didn't mind though since it was REALLY CUTE!~ I also received a few rejected tattoos because they desperately needed to get rid of them, and I look like a rubbish dump. (The tattoos work pretty well though! But I subconciously started scratching them and it came off.)
I also received foldable sunnies. And they look like my sister's. I don't think I'm ever gonna wear them though.. I'll probably end up breaking it.

And that's all I got for Christmas. This is probably the first year I received so many Christmas presents!


Now, 2011. It's probably been the best year of my life. Even though I didn't have the best teacher.     
(I liked Mr C better.) It was the best year of my life. (So far.) I made new friends, I had my first sleepover. My first week away from home. Discovering new personalities. Experiencing being the first negative speaker for a debate. Being the third negative speaker for a debate. Earning the lots of warm hugs. And became a tiny bit more confident. First time jumping of a diving board. First time standing on a jumping castle. Attending my first Orientation day and getting a taste of High school life. Earning my first anime friend.

There were many more things that happened, but I can't recall them at the moment.

There were also bad things:  But you know what they say.
There won't be happy times without the sad ones! And I'm not really the type who talks about such touchy-feely emotions so.. I'm gonna stop it.

Anyway, I hope that 2012 will have many more things for my to enjoy and discover. Since as you all know, it's gonna be my first year of High School!

Also! Next week, I'll be flying back to Malaysia, as always! And Next Saturday, (I think it was..) we'll be flying to Honk Kong! And it'll be the first time that I've been to Hong Kong. Which I'm excited about!
Fun Fact about me! I've only been to 3 countries in my life! Singapore. (I was born there... and I'm not gonna add Malaysia because they're pretty much next to each other.) Australia. (This is where I live now. And I've been living here for almost 7 years. ALMOST.) And of course, the lovely Japan! (I've been there twice! One when I was three years old. Because of the September incident. And the plane tickets were REALLY cheap at that time so.. ADVANTAGE! And the terrorists are probably only good at lowering the price of plane tickets. They're useless at everything else.. The second time was when I was 7 years old. The plane tickets weren't cheap then.. but.. CHANCE!)

Well, I hope all of you guys have another great year. And remember, Whatever happened in the past STAYS in th past.

Signing off.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Bleach Movie 4 Review: Hell Chapter

I know, I know... I said that I would upload this review like 9 or 10 weeks ago... I'm REALLY sorry! I was busy with school and everything! It was my last year and everything... But I graduated last week and next year I have to look forward to high school life. JOY. Anyway, as I said before... this review contains spoilers like many of my other reviews so just to make it clear:

SPOILER!!   (I hope that made it clear...)

Review:  I am a BIG Bleach fan, and I'm sure most of you know that already... And like all the other Bleach Movies, I definitely recommend that you watch this one! It's the 4th Bleach Movie that has come out and it's called: Hell Chapter.

So, it starts of with these "Sinners" from Hell wanting to escape. But they are held back by these chains that they can't break free from. And SURPRISE SURPRISE! Ichigo is the only one with enough strength to break them free. Which he's not supposed to do, because they have to atone for their sins in Hell. The "Sinners" then kidnap his younger sister: Yuzu. They use her as  bait to make Ichigo free them. (They take her back to Hell with them.)

He and all the awesome people from Bleach go with him to help and a Sinner (That pretends to be good.) guides them to where Yuzu is in Hell. But it's dangerous if Ichigo uses his power to help them escape from Hell. Because his power is uncontrollable he can destroy Karakura Town and the Real world.

The thing is he can't really control his power in Hell because it triggers his Full Hollow transformation.

What I really hate about this movie is that Orihimi takes advantage of the situation when times are down for Ichigo and she goes and hugs him from behind. Think I'm lying? (I wish it wasn't true.) Here's proof:

And this was revenge for letting her hug his back.

HEHE. Also is this movie he got a new transformation! With Hell's help of course!

It looks like this! And it's GOLD! :

I recommend that you watch it! And people have uploaded it online already so just watch it off the net.

Signing off,