Sunday, December 19, 2010

Apologizing and Promises.. A Game Review, Three Movie Reviews....

I am sorry... that I haven't been keeping you posted for about... two weeks... but.. I doubt that you even care...

But, I do promise to give you a Game Review and a few movie reviews... which will be arriving shortly...

As I have told you before... I stayed at the Burswood Hotel for a night... It was so fun... the only bad thing about the trip was that I had to share a single-sized bed, with my sister... and my brother got a whole bed to himself... UNFAIR!!

I did take some pictures though.. The Pool was absolutely amazing!!
Especially, at night... I would have liked to swim in the Pool but I had no time... since at home I don't get to watch the channels... Disney and Cartoon Network... i stayed in the hotel room with my brother.. and we watched Ben 10.. Then we had a Pillow fight! I won lots more times than he did though..

Any way... I nearly forgot... PHOTOS!! :

This is the elevator... I'm afraid of heights so.. I'm kinda afraid when I step in that thing...

But it's fine..

There are more images of the Lobby:

That is a reindeer...

This is the ceiling... you can see through to the sky...
Pretty cool...huh?

This is the Casino.. Obviously, I wasn't allowed inside.. since.. I'm under-age.

This is a photo of the Pool at night... it was taken from my Hotel Room View...

Also... A few weeks ago, I payed a visit to the Chocolate Factory,
Here are some images.. :

This is Mr Bear.. He is REALLY fuul of CHOCOLATE.. no HOLLOW bits!

Now, Meet Floid... He is also completely made out of chocolate! And he weighs... 750 kg!

It's so amazing!

I also ate alot of free chocolate!

This is the end of the post...

Make sure to look out for my game review that's coming up and I'll also be posting a few Movie Reviews as well.. Look out for all those reviews..~!

Signing out,

Monday, November 29, 2010

Korean Bombings, Game Alert and Weird Pervertic Security the airport..

So, This week... You've probably heard that North Korea and South Korea have been just randomly bombing each other... Why? (How would I know? Was I at the scene? No, I wasn't.. SO WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME?!) Anyway... where was I?

Oh.. yes.. North Korea and South Korea HAVE BEEN just shooting artillery shells over that wall that they have.. Who started it? Well... this is still all a mystery.. But everyone is pointing the finger at North Korea.. They don't have any proof or any evidence.. they're just pointing the finger because guess what? They like South Korea better than North Korea! Is that fair? It's like going up to George Bush and shoving a gun in his face and saying.. "I don't like you, so I'm just gonna shoot you..". In this case, it might be a little extreme.. but same deal.

Though in This case just chucking a shoe at him seems like a much nicer option.. (Just that we should get a better aimer...)

But.. let's get back to the subject of North Korea and South Korea.
South Korea didn't actually say that they didn't fire the shells first and North Korea said that South Korea did... And since they found two South Korean soldiers dead.. those two could have fired it without permission and they could have been shot...

So with the evidence that we have here, I would have to say that South Korea started the bombing..

Any way let's move on to pervertic sercurity checks at the airport... Luckily, it's only in America!

Ok.. this one is a guy one.. but it's even worse for women.. they check in between your chest and your inner thighs!!

I don't think.. I feel very comfortable talking about this subject...


And way.. I have just started playing the game animal crossing... it's really ADDICTIVE!! I might also do a game review on that game soon... Look out for that review... coming soon.

Signing off..

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hotness, Sex Ed, and Tests....

May I just say that in perth this week... IT WAS BOILING!! Temperatures reached up to 40 C!

And to make it WORSE we had a sex ed lesson! For two days.. that means TWO HOURS looking at MALE PARTS and female parts... I might seem immature, saying, "EWW!!" and stuff like that but everyone does it! It's like going up to a random guy on the street and taking of all his clothes.

Everyone would say: "EWW!!" or "What the hell did you do that for?!" and the guy would probably punch you in the face..

Everyone would KNOW what is underneath his cloths, but they still say "EWW!!" or "GROSS".

So why can't I?
(Is it KILLING you? No? So, I get my way... ^.^)

And, UNFORTUNATELY, for my friend Rachael..., HER MUM was running the program...
Her face went bright RED! If you ask me... I find her mum pretty AWESOME! But she kinda made a song called.. "Puberty's cool" And that's when I really couldn't take it... I started laughing .. so I had to stuff my CLIPBOARD into my mouth to stop me from getting DETENTION... or getting dragged out of the class by Mr C..

Speaking of Mr C... I award him the award called... "THE BEST TEACHER AT GIVING OUT TESTS". Yes, you guessed it... he's stuffing our mouths (this week) FULL OF CRAMPED TESTS!
woohooo... not. *serious face*
ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!!!?* (Please pardon my language..)

This is what he deserves! Me stuffing his big O'l head down the toilet and giving him the "ROYAL FLUSH". (And hopefully the cleaners didn't clean the toilets properly!) (Once, again pardon my language and rudeness...)

Once again, we must come to a screeching halt to the end of this post. As I MUST study for those tests.

Signing off.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I have arrived, back from camp...

I would have liked to take pictures but since my camera was in my phone (and phones weren't ALLOWED!), I couldn't...

It was fun.. though I didn't know what was in the food, I just ate it.. (Never waste food!)
The yummiest thing that they served there was probably... *thinks* Nutrigrian cereal and the bread.. (That was for breakfast.. Do you know what else they served for breakfast? Spaghetti on toast!.. I just took the toast..) And for dessert( after dinner) they served moose.. there were two flavours.. first one was.. chocolate, and the other was citrus... Everyone was taking chocolate.. but since I saw can fruits underneath, I took the citrus one, so it would go well with the fruits..

Mine was okay, everyone else who took the chocolate, said it was revolting, I just laughed!

And did I mention it was a writing camp? So an author came into the camp school and told us we had to daydream and since this was going to be the first and last time we were allowed to daydream in class, we should enjoy it to the fullest..

There was also a beach, the ocean was so blue and BEAUTIFUL!!!

The guy that owned the camp was called Mr Roger Lewis. The camp was the "Point Peron Camp". The guy owned two dogs and a cat. They were so cute! The cat was "Smudge" and the dog was "Bear". The dog is always at the beach swimming and picking up rocks. (That's why he has an ear infection)

At night we had a "Minute to Win it" game. My guyfriend, Jam, could complete the cookie challedge so QUICKLY!
After that we had a Quiz night.

At night, I couldn't sleep much. Everyone was falling off their beds. And My friend woke me up in the middle of the night asking Me to accompany Her to the TOILETS....

It was SO COLD!! And I was in a SINGLET!

By the way, KevJumba got kicked off the Amazing Race...


Sunday, November 7, 2010


I have been busy...

But now... I AM FREE!!! 2 reasons why:

Because.. I am AWESOME! And also because I have (FINALLY!!) completed my homework~

YES!! So, now I am free to do stuff... such as update my blog..! I haven't been doing this for like three weeks now.. so I shall be fufilling my duties now..

And since.. I really have nothing to say now.. I shall end this post.

Awesome | Forward this Picture



Bear, Cute, Flowers | Forward this Picture


Hugs | Forward this Picture


Hugs | Forward this Picture


Hugs | Forward this Picture

Hugs Not Drugs

Hugs | Forward this Picture

Awesome | Forward this Picture

Saturday, October 16, 2010


As I am sitting here( in my old worn-out, warm robe and with my sausage- type pillow warming my lap).. at my computer and typing... my thoughts are: "I have to come up with something!... Anything! I just need to finish composing a post by this Sunday evening!" Well... now.. it's kind of like.. Saturday-Late-Night-Ish? So practically I'm screwed...

While I couldn't think of what to write about.. I just spent time watching re-runs of Bleach episodes and going on Youtube and watching Nigahiga's (Oh.. and if you want to watch his latest video.. just click here. Personally, My favourite one was this one right over here... You know the Facebook one?) channel... and Michelle Phan's and Random YoGabbaGabba videos? I pretty much bored myself out... And it dawned on me after a few hours that I haven't posted on my blog and my dateline is pretty soon..

So.. I started doing THIS? (Like.. You know? Typing Blogging?)

I'm like really tired now..? It's like 12:01 in the morning.. and I'm sitting in front of the frigging computer! (Voice in my head: "Come on.. You can do this! Just finish this post and you can sleep in your nice warm cosy bed! Oh.. and did I tell you that you needed to clean your room before you go to sleep?")

Oh! And I just heard Justin Beiber has his own nail polish line now.. and he is also selling bedsheets! Like his freaking little face is going on bedsheets!100 of them!1000's maybe even millions! And each and every one of them are going to go on beds! The things that people sleep on! And you know what their slogan is? "Wanna sleep with Justine Beiber?" When I read that in a magazine or a newspaper.. I nearly had a heart attack..! I was seriously grossed out!

*Yawn* ~^O^~

Okay, That's it! I'm going to call it a day! I really need to sleep... My eyes are like closing now...zzzzzZZZZzzzzZZzzzzZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzz......

Signing off,

Sunday, October 10, 2010

DELHI Common Wealth Games 2010

Wanna know what I've been doing? I've been watching the DELHI Commonwealth Games!
Actually... My dad's hogging the TV so if you want to watch the TV you can only watch the Common Wealth games... But when he's not looking.. I change the channel! SHHH!! Don't tell HIM that!!

And luckily, I had my phone on me so I could take a few photos! Just to make it interesting..

Want more? Well... I'll give you more! :

This was when they were cycling! To take such a picture I had to stand right in front of the TV.. causing me to block my dad's view.. causing me to get grounded! But I don't mind.. Anyway.. more photos! :

And more! :

This photo was the 100 metres hurdles!! And the girl at the front represents... AUSTRALIA!! YAY!! AUSTRALIA WON!!!

Anyway, continuing... :

I'm sorry that it's abit blurry... She was hurdling too fast!

Oh! This was when she was interviewed.. And her name is Sally Pearson... Did I mention that earlier?

Have you been watching the DELHI games?

Signing off,

Sunday Brunch

Who doesn't love a Sunday Brunch?

I would have posted a picture of what I had... but I ate it before I remembered to take a picture...

I had:

*Scrambled eggs.
*Olive oil toast.
*Orange Juice.

It was very yummy!! (Yummm..)

Also my mum made Pumpkin cake with the Pumpkin flesh... Wanna see how it looks like?

I really just dislike anything related to pumpkin so.. I already don't feel like eating it..

We had some watermelon too! I just love watermelon!! And to my dismay.... the watermelon wasn't very ripe.. so it was still white...

But the middle of the watermelon was very juicy and sweet! We bought a whole watermelon so we had enough to fill two containers!

I just love watermelons!! I'm going to look forward to eating all of them!

Oh.. and you can use the watermelon skin to wash your face! It's really cooling!

Just use the inner part! The white part!...

I'm sorry.. I couldn't have taken more photos my brother stole my SD card! Here's him running away... *sigh*

Or should I say crawling?

Signing off..,