Thursday, September 30, 2010

Style Boutique Game Review..

So.. the game that My brother just downloaded..(Style Boutique)

Now.. This game may appear to Tom boyish girls..kinda like me...just like a really super girly game..

That's what I first thought.. when I first picked it up.. but when I actually started playing it.. I was so addicted to it for some reason.. It was like it controlled me... O.O
Other than that..

The game has great graphics. And for the music that you select in your boutique pretty much sucks but there is a solution to that.. TURN THE VOLUME OFF!!
I like this game because it has a simple plot(For simple-minded-people a.k.a me) :

*Click on customer.
*See what customer wants. e.g. A shirt.
*Click on a T-Shirt. Show the T-Shirt to customer.
*Customer gets angry. Doesn't want T-shirt. Wants shirt.

I mean seriously?! What is the difference between a shirt and a T-shirt?! What one has a capital T?? Is that it??!! They still look the same!!

The only reason why I like this game is that you get to earn money that's pretty much the WHOLE reason why I like this game..

Anyway.. continuing about the game review..

You can visit a hair salon and get your makeup done at a beautician. And with over 10,000 accessories and designs, the Fashion happiness never ends! (I copied that from a game review...not my words..)

(Also)When you're playing this game you work for a boss that starts perving on you... that is pretty freaky... O.o

The only thing this game beats are Barbie Dolls...

Signing off now,

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Birthdays... you only get them once a year... a shame, really..

Today, I had my 12th birthday! Now, for my presents..

I was supposed to get a present from my parents last Saturday.. but when we went to actually buy it.. SOLD OUT!! Seriously? I bet the women didn't even check to stock room properly.. it couldn't have sold out..

The present was... a NEW STEREO!! So.. I'm going to the stereo this weekend instead.. hopefully they're still selling it at the same price! $50 !

I think I can vaguely remember how it looked like...
It was stylish and black, quite small, and it totally beats my sister's stereo that she got a few years ago!

My second present was one from my brother.. It was a Ds game to go with my DS that I got last year..

It didn't cost much at all! In fact.. it didn't cost anything! My brother helped me download it from the internet..

The game: Style Boutique.

Now.. I'm not really a girly girl type of girl... but I know this game isn't as bad as it seems.. It's actually quite fun! And very addictive.. for some weird reason once you pick it up you cannot.. STOP!!

I'll be posting a Game review on this NDS game very soon...


My third gift was from my sister..

She gave me a whole TUB of SWEETS!! You know thos round lollies? Nevermind...
But I have to say they were very addictive.. I was stuffing my face full of them until my sister smacked my shoulder with a hard plastic substance... I can't remember what now but she hit me!

I hope you too had or is going to have a lovely birthday!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


WOW! This week is FINALLY the last week of school! Which means I say "HELLO!!" to SCHOOL HOLIDAYS! WOOHOO!!

Basically, school holidays (to me) mean sleeping in late... Actually, I always try sleeping 'till about 12 o'clock (noon) But I can never do it! I always end up waking up at 8 in the morning I try sleeping again.. eventually I fall back to sleep but then I end up waking at 10. By then I really can't fall back to sleep...

You know what? Now that I think about it the only time when something else beats school holidays is when it's your birthday.. Luckily for me. My birthday is on a holiday so.. I get the benefits of both on one day!
(Bet you're jealous!) (JKJK)

Another benefit that comes with holidays are that I get to sleep ultra SUPER Duper LATE!!
(I'm a weird freak.. you should have known that by now..)

*Yawn* *O*

Okay, maybe I shouldn't stay up late..

Friday, September 17, 2010

Bird Poop...LUCKY!!?? NOT...

Yes, today I got shitted on by a BIRD!!!
Do you even know how DISGUSTING that IS!!??

I swear if I ever see that bird again I'm going to stab that bird! (With a toothbrush?)
I mean why can't a bird shit in a bush or something?!

Story of bird pooping (on me):

I was walking in a line with my class to the library...And it just so happens a bird is flying above and drops a big bird poopoo on me! (Maybe, Mr C sent that bird to attack me after I put Rachii's "Mice" That seriously looks like poop on his chair..Even Mr C himself believed it was droppings..)
I looked at the poop grabbed the nearest person near me.. and raced to the girl's bathroom.
It just so happens that the nearest person was Rachii... She told me to go to the office so I dragged her along with me to the office.

Saw office women coughed and pointed to my shirt first thing she said was... "EWWW!!"
I mean come on I would expect that out of a little girl preferably me since it's on my shirt..

Anyway, after Rachii explained to her about how it happened, she asked us to follow her to the nurse room.. we did.. She took a tissue and some chemical and water and rubbed it on my shirt trying to get the poop out.. While she was doing that she started going on and on about how bird poop was so lucky! Lucky my butt! Well.. if you call Mr C being away and Mr K filling in and us not having to do work for the whole day good luck then sure the poop worked.

I mean ,I believe in four leaves clovers to work but seriously? POOP How does that even work?
It'll probably give you bad luck if it even brought any luck at all.. (Shit luck)

But I had fun today terrorising Rachii by saying that I was a lesbo and that she was my wife..
But seriously, I'm not a lesbian, I'm interested in guys.. if I was a lesbo which means I'll be interested in girls which would mean that I am interested with myself.. which I'm not..


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Update.. And A Chance Of Strawberries..!?

Ok.. I'm back In Australia now...(and kicking!)
Arrived back in Australia last week on Sunday(Father's day! What did you get for your dad?).
The flight was pretty good..*thumbs up!* No budget Airline!! WOOHOO!! *Headless chicken dance!*
So there were TVs on the plane!! Unfortunately for my family and I.. our row that we were sitting in.. didn't have working TVs. But fortunately for me I'm a little kid.. So I got to move seats And I got to sit next to an old lady and her husband..*thumbs down* But that's the price you have to pay to have a working TV!

And the food on the Airplane was pretty good too! I got cheese omelet, sausage, toasted tomato and croissant with butter! And many other sides with that.. like fruits! They also gave bird seeds...for some reason..Hmm.. This is what I had to say to them.. "DO I LOOK LIKE A FREGGIN' BIRD TO YOU??!!"

Anyway..How was my day today? It was 'ok'.

*I woke up..
*Ate instant noodles for breakfast.
*Wiped the house.
*Watched Disney Channel til' my brother had to call me out to sweep the floor outside.
*Finished sweeping went back inside to watch Disney Channel.
*Brother came out and yelled at me pulled out the TV plug and started vacuuming.
*Got TVnapped by my brother so went into room to play with not calling phone.
*Vacuumed room.
*Parents and sister came home.
*Folded plastic bags.
*Ate lunch.
*Parents went out again.
*Played Basketball with brother.. until Fat Cat walk onto lawn.
*Ran up to Fat Cat and Called out to it.. "Here Little Pussy Cat!"
*Fat CAt wouldn't move, but just stared.
*Me let out a big meow to FAT CAT, Fat Cat ran away.
*Went back to playing Basketball.

That was pretty much how my day went. Oh.. And if you were wondering what I had for lunch.. I had a Home made Subway or you could call it a DIY Subway what ever floats your boat.

And if you were wondering what my parents bought.. They bought two punnets of strawberries and a pumpkin for pumkin soup. And no, the straberry isn't going into the pumkin soup. The strawberries are big.. Here's a picture:

I am now in strawberry heaven and pumpkin Hell!
I absolutely detest pumkin!


Friday, September 3, 2010


Ok, I am literally dying in the heat of Malaysia right now... I'll be back in Australia on Sunday..

And i'm surprisingly looking forward to school on Monday. My friend, Kavi Bear, Told me that this guy I like in school(He who shall not be named in this blog.), Has broken his voice... I so want to see that!
(Why do good things always happen back home when I'm away??!)

Also, My sister, her birthday is tomorrow, which is awesome! And tonight I'm going over to my dad's brother's place with my cousins, siblings, parents, uncles/aunties...etc.
It's gonna be a blast! My mum is baking a cake now,...(I can smell it!) YUMMY!! ~^o^~

Now, I'm also sorry for not posting last weekend.. Cause We had the phonecall saying that a family member has passed away, so we had to go back to Malaysia... and the praying and the burning... etc.
It was a very busy week.. So I'm sorry for not posting..

But, now I'm free so.. I'm writing and posting..
(As you can see... I mean read..)

And also a reason why I haven't been posting much was because the internet here in Malaysia keeps tripping... The radio also has alot of static..

My flight back to Australia this Sunday.. is at 9:00 in the morning it will be taking off at 10:30.
So I'll be back in Malaysia this weekend.. and starting school again on Monday.. And I have a test to study for when I get back!! Seriously?! Sometimes I just HATE Mr C.. Oh.. wait I always.. hate him..

I have to go.. now.. INTERNET.... TRIPPING!!