Tuesday, September 21, 2010


WOW! This week is FINALLY the last week of school! Which means I say "HELLO!!" to SCHOOL HOLIDAYS! WOOHOO!!

Basically, school holidays (to me) mean sleeping in late... Actually, I always try sleeping 'till about 12 o'clock (noon) But I can never do it! I always end up waking up at 8 in the morning I try sleeping again.. eventually I fall back to sleep but then I end up waking at 10. By then I really can't fall back to sleep...

You know what? Now that I think about it the only time when something else beats school holidays is when it's your birthday.. Luckily for me. My birthday is on a holiday so.. I get the benefits of both on one day!
(Bet you're jealous!) (JKJK)

Another benefit that comes with holidays are that I get to sleep ultra SUPER Duper LATE!!
(I'm a weird freak.. you should have known that by now..)

*Yawn* *O*

Okay, maybe I shouldn't stay up late..

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