Friday, September 17, 2010

Bird Poop...LUCKY!!?? NOT...

Yes, today I got shitted on by a BIRD!!!
Do you even know how DISGUSTING that IS!!??

I swear if I ever see that bird again I'm going to stab that bird! (With a toothbrush?)
I mean why can't a bird shit in a bush or something?!

Story of bird pooping (on me):

I was walking in a line with my class to the library...And it just so happens a bird is flying above and drops a big bird poopoo on me! (Maybe, Mr C sent that bird to attack me after I put Rachii's "Mice" That seriously looks like poop on his chair..Even Mr C himself believed it was droppings..)
I looked at the poop grabbed the nearest person near me.. and raced to the girl's bathroom.
It just so happens that the nearest person was Rachii... She told me to go to the office so I dragged her along with me to the office.

Saw office women coughed and pointed to my shirt first thing she said was... "EWWW!!"
I mean come on I would expect that out of a little girl preferably me since it's on my shirt..

Anyway, after Rachii explained to her about how it happened, she asked us to follow her to the nurse room.. we did.. She took a tissue and some chemical and water and rubbed it on my shirt trying to get the poop out.. While she was doing that she started going on and on about how bird poop was so lucky! Lucky my butt! Well.. if you call Mr C being away and Mr K filling in and us not having to do work for the whole day good luck then sure the poop worked.

I mean ,I believe in four leaves clovers to work but seriously? POOP How does that even work?
It'll probably give you bad luck if it even brought any luck at all.. (Shit luck)

But I had fun today terrorising Rachii by saying that I was a lesbo and that she was my wife..
But seriously, I'm not a lesbian, I'm interested in guys.. if I was a lesbo which means I'll be interested in girls which would mean that I am interested with myself.. which I'm not..


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