Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Birthdays... you only get them once a year... a shame, really..

Today, I had my 12th birthday! Now, for my presents..

I was supposed to get a present from my parents last Saturday.. but when we went to actually buy it.. SOLD OUT!! Seriously? I bet the women didn't even check to stock room properly.. it couldn't have sold out..

The present was... a NEW STEREO!! So.. I'm going to the stereo this weekend instead.. hopefully they're still selling it at the same price! $50 !

I think I can vaguely remember how it looked like...
It was stylish and black, quite small, and it totally beats my sister's stereo that she got a few years ago!

My second present was one from my brother.. It was a Ds game to go with my DS that I got last year..

It didn't cost much at all! In fact.. it didn't cost anything! My brother helped me download it from the internet..

The game: Style Boutique.

Now.. I'm not really a girly girl type of girl... but I know this game isn't as bad as it seems.. It's actually quite fun! And very addictive.. for some weird reason once you pick it up you cannot.. STOP!!

I'll be posting a Game review on this NDS game very soon...


My third gift was from my sister..

She gave me a whole TUB of SWEETS!! You know thos round lollies? Nevermind...
But I have to say they were very addictive.. I was stuffing my face full of them until my sister smacked my shoulder with a hard plastic substance... I can't remember what now but she hit me!

I hope you too had or is going to have a lovely birthday!


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