Friday, July 30, 2010

My Life As You Know It

So..guys...I've been working on this novel. And you can read what I've written so far..hope you like it!
Chapter 1

I’m fourteen years old and I am an average school kid. My name is Shannon, yes, with a double ‘n’.(Most people get it wrong, it’s so annoying!) My big dream is to become a journalist and write for a newspaper or a magazine…or even better! My own very column!
I have a crush on a guy, obviously, like most girls my age do...and trust me he’s hot, funny and cute…definitely cute. His name is Dean. Cool name right?
Anyway, My Birthday is coming up soon, I’ll soon be fifteen! And I’ve always read in novels and stuff, (I’m a bookworm..) and most of the girls get their first kiss on their fifteenth birthday. I’m hoping Dean will give me mine!

These are my best friends- Tricia, Seth and Riley. They’re the awesomess friends you could ever have. And yes, they know I like Dean. (Duh..that’s why they’re called “best friends”) And they think that I’m an idiot for not just confessing to him and pouring my heart to him. But I have a perfectly good reason! ( The last time I confessed to a guy, the guy hated me and stopped talking to me.) So, I don’t feel very comfortable now about confessing to guys anymore..

And you can’t blame me if you were in my shoes, you would feel the exact same way!
“ Have you done the homework that Mr Bloggs set for next week?”, I asked my two girlfriends. We always arrive early at school to catch up on the, big amount, of homework that (the devil) Mr Bloggs sets for us.

Mr Bloggs was our class teacher, he just loved torturing us with homework. I mean seriously? We’re teenagers! We have better things to do than study the whole day!
He probably hates us because we have hair and he is bald. And he is also in he’s late 60’s. I mean a 60 year old shouldn’t be doing this kind of thing. A 60 year old man should retire, settle in a lovely house and sit by the fire with his lovely wife, drinking tea and looking out the window! Not, set homework dead-lines just to ruin kid’s lives!

“Yeah, I finished it all last night!”, Riley exclaimed, beaming brightly at us.

Riley always finished the homework the day it’s given out! She’s a total bookworm.
Instead of playing outside at recess and lunch. She prefers to stay inside the school library and read factual books. I mean, don’t get me wrong I love her! (as a friend.) And I have to say I’m pretty much a bookworm myself. But I mean she can be a bookworm all she wants, but not to the point where me and Tricia have to, literally, drag her out of the library and force her to run outside. She absolutely hates running.

“ You serious?” I asked her, my mouth hanging open. “He gave us a three-paged-land-use-assignment! A full-on package!”
“It was pretty easy..”, Riley said shrugging.
“Really? You found it easy?” Tricia asked. “I spent my whole afternoon, yesterday, on Google trying to find stuff about Land-use! How lame is that?”
“Tell me about it..” I said, sighing and slouching in my chair. “I tried to work on the assignment but after completing just half of the first page I just couldn’t be bothered.”
“Why? Because you were thinking of Dean?” Tricia teased me.
“It was so not because of Dean!”, I yelled/ whispered, punching her arm.

And at that exact same moment Dean just had to walk into the classroom. This was something that Tricia called “Fate”. And damn do I hate that word!

So, again with the help of “Fate”, Dean sits in front of me. And you’re probably thinking that if I liked a guy, wouldn’t I want him sitting near me? The answer is yes and no. Yes, because if he’s sitting near me he flirts with me and talks to me. No, because the more he flirts and talks to me the more I’ll have to talk to him. And if the more I talk to him, it’s more likely that I’ll probably say something stupid and he’ll forever think I’m a weirdo. Though I like him sitting near me that means it’s easier for me to look at him in class. (Which is kind of freaky when you think about it.)

Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes. Dean walked into the classroom and the group of guys in our year crowded around him and started talking about stuff. Yes, Dean is popular, what do you expect Dean is the fastest guy in the whole year. (typical)
Tricia and Riley caught me staring at Dean during class. Tricia (being the violent animal she is.) kicked me and pointed at the clock.

We always play this game during class where we nudge each other in class and we stare at the clock to see if it was nearly recess/lunch. It’s kinda weird but it’s just what we do.
It was just five more minutes till lunch time! I couldn’t wait to get out of the classroom!

The lunch bell went. Finally, lunch time! Everyone rushed out of the classroom and into the classroom lockers. Tricia, Riley and I have our lockers next to each other. We get to change our lockers everyday, it depends on how early you arrive at school. So, if you arrive early you get the spot you want and if you arrive late then you get the shitty spots.

We (Tricia, Riley and I) usually arrive at school early so our lockers are almost always together. Unless if there’s a traffic jam..

So, we grabbed our lunch, sandwiches, and sat down on the cold hard cement floor, which is what we call the “lunch area”. The lunch area is also the assembly area and the Dance area during the Dance, that we have every year.

“Do you think Tony will ask me to the Dance this year?” Tricia asked me.

Tony is another one of Dean’s friends. He’s pretty popular, I know a lot of girls who confessed to him. He’s actually one of my guy friends.. kind of like Seth just that Seth is closer to me because I’ve known him since year 2.
Seth is also a good friend of Dean’s. All the guys in our year just come together into one massive group.. unlike the girls. The girls have separate groups, one is the popular group and the other group is for the losers. I’m in-between both so I don’t really care..
And Dean he’s real popular but not so popular that he doesn’t know me. I’ve liked him ever since last year. He knows that I find him intimidating so he keeps teasing me just to watch me explode and go all agro on him.

“Maybe..”, I said shrugging. I took a big bite of my egg, lettuce and ham sandwich.
“What she said..”, Riley added, pointing towards me.
“ know…you could be a bit more supportive.” Tricia sighed.
“Fine…Tony will surely ask you to the Dance.” I said, taking another bite of my sandwich.
“What she said..”, Riley added, once again.
“Guys, you could be more enthusiastic.”, Tricia sighed.
“What do you want me to say? I can’t read the future.” I said.
“I could ask my grandma, my dad said she was a fortune teller.” Riley offered.
“I was being sarcastic, stupid. I didn’t mean it literally!”, I said, patting Riley on the head.
“Fine…I’ll just pray that he asks me to the dance, instead of all the popular girls.”, Tricia sighed.

Tricia always thought the popular girls were all mean and skanky. I mean some of them are but a few of them are actually nice and smart. But some of them all they talk about is shoes, dresses, hair thingies, and more shoes. And that is what makes them boring.

“But, I think Dean is surely going to you ask you to the Dance.” Tricia said to me, as we walked over to the bin to throw away our wrappers. “I mean he keeps looking at you in class.”

“He looks at a lot of other girls.” I said.
“But, he looks at you the most.” Riley said, stabbing my arm with her finger.
“Whatever.” I said and chucked a ball that I found on the basketball court at Riley.
Riley actually caught it and chucked it at Tricia.
“ So, we’re gonna play balls today?” Tricia asked us, as she caught the ball.
“God. That seriously sounds wrong, Trish.”, Riley scoffed.
“Fine, ball.” Tricia replied.
“Still sounds gross.” I said catching the ball.
“What? We are playing with a ball you know..” Tricia said.
“Fine, not so gross anymore.” Riley said.



Finally the bell to signal the end of school!

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