Saturday, August 28, 2010

YAY!! I got a new phone.. that doesn't call?

My sister got a new Nokia phone.. Kinda like a BlackBerry.. Anyway..
This phone is probably her 6th phone that she's had..she always ends up breaking the phone atleast after 1 and a half years..

The record that she has broken a phone in less than 12 hours still stands...

Anyway.. I have her old phone now! I can finally have a phone that takes pictures! Usually I get all her old ones that don't have a camera so I just use the phone as an organizer...

Now, this is the first time ever I have a phone that has Bluetooth, camera and plays music and also including the organizer. How AWESOME is that?! But it can't call or send messages.. but I can send messages by Bluetooth so.. everything works out fine..

And also... DaveDays has finally made a new video/song... which is good cause he hasn't made one in like 2-3 months!
But totally worth the wait... Since he came up with Olive You. Great song...*thumbs up*
You can watch it here.

And guess what? KimmiSmiles is an Australian! AWESOME!!
Cause I'm Australian..I guess..but I was born in Singapore..?


I have a new phone.. and went crazy with it... awesomeness.. *thumbs up*


Saturday, August 21, 2010

2010 Election

Ok, So It's Election DAY!!!

Well.. since it's like 10 o'clock now, it's probably Election Night... but anyway, back to the subject.

So, It's Julia Gillard VS Tony Abbot a.k.a Monkey Abbot. (My mum came up with that name..)

If I was actually allowed to legally vote, I would vote for labor even though I really hate Julia Gillard, but since KRudd was in Labor I'll stick with Labor.
And Tony Abbot, he is one sick man..He ate a worm for christ sake! And he's so damn ugly!

Just ignore the last part if you think it's rude..

And the reason that Tony gives us to vote for him is that he's a married man...
Who freaking cares?! What does that have to do with being a Prime Minister?!
What? He's probably just like: " I have three little baby girls so I should be Prime Minister."

Well..Guess what!? My dad has three kids and it's not just girls.. it's girls AND boys.
But.. look! He's not a Prime Minister, now is he?

Gosh, Tony you can be such a fool sometimes..
I mean seriously? For all your ads on TV's it's just showing you riding, swimming, climbing walking. That is soo not what I would call campaigning.. looks more like a Tampon ad!
(Quoted from Good News Week.)

Julia Gillard on the other hand...She was such an idiot to kick KRudd out of being a PM!
KRudd could have won this Election hands down..instead of it being a HUNG Parliament.

Such fools....

Well...may everyone win except for Monkey Abbot.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Well... this week was pretty unexpected..

I never thought that I would get the Applecross Senior Highschool Extensions test this week!
I was actually planning to take the test next year, in year 7.

I don't think I did well in the Science and S+E tests. I mean seriously, I just did not get it!
I think I did pretty good on the maths one though...
But. The results are coming out in 2 weeks time! I can't wait that long to see if I got into Applcross Highschool! I don't thnk I got in though.. NO! I have to keep possitive thoughts now...hope for the best.
God Please save me.

While reading this post, please listen to this music by clicking here.

You know in some of the movies?
A new girl turns up she steals everyone, your friends, your crush?
And the main girl does nothing when the new girl does stuff but justs smiles weakly at her.
And you yell at the TV how that girl is soo stupid for not just slapping the new girl and getting her dignity back?

Well...I always yell at the TV, and now that It's happening to me in real life, I found out that's it's not so easy to just slap that girl and regain your dignity.
So..I just smile weakly and watch her walk away with everyone who I love, or should I say loved.

So.. that is why I'm gonna help you get yourself to your normal position if you are in this kind of situation..

1. Don't let anyone know that you hate her but when no one is looking, give her that look so she knows that you don't particularly like her.

2. If she starts bad mouthing you in front of people just ignore and just talk to her like nothing is wrong.

3. After you have completed all these steps, people will know that 'girl' for a bad mouthing reputation so you'll have everyone that you loved back!

But, then, you can tell those people that you loved, that you're not interested in recycled goods and just leave them.

Or, you can just accept them and forgive them if you have a loving heart, but since I don't really have a loving heart I would got with the first suggestion.

Now take control of your life and steer it in the right direction and once again....

Beat that!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Problems in this world?

While reading this post please listen to this music. Click here.

Really, what is this world coming to?

People killing, people dying..and men cheating on women or vice versa.
Why is everyone doing this? Why can't everyone be happy and just enjoy their time on earth?
If only life was this easy..everyone could just live their lives and not have to worry about the little things that happen. But then again, little things are what makes us happy.

Why are people so obsessed with their bodies? Doing plastic surgery every month? Every year?
What about botox? They do it so much that you can't even smile anymore.. Is that what people really want? They're spending money just so that they can't smile anymore?
And what about cigarettes? You might aswell be rolling up your money and setting it on fire!
You could be spending that money that you're burning up, on food that could keep you alive!
But no!'re killing yourself with that solid money that you or a friend have earned.

Is that what you should be doing? I don't think so! Instead you could be sponsoring a child in afghanistan with that money! Would you rather help a poor suffering kid or let yourself slowly suffer and die in pain?

You think smoking cigarettes are helping you through depression? Well, I can easily tell you it's not helping. Instead of smoking you could go to a group where other people like you can talk about your sufferings. I think that would be much nicer solution that killing yourself by inhaling over 40,000 chemicles! And sure if it was just you, who is inhaling those 40,000 chemicals it would be alright but no! If there's someone next to you or in the same room as you, they will be inhaling those 40,000 chemicals too. Would you want to be the cause of someone's death would you?!
That's right, I don't think so.

And what about drugs? People think it's cool. No, it's not cool. I'm not even a teenager and I can tell you that! You should be ashamed of yourself! What did your parents teach you?

Drugs suck! They make you see insects crawling all over you and you start imagining stuff that aren't even there! Is that what you want? To be mentally crazy? So that people think you're a retard and they start running away from you? If you keep going on that road you're going to have no friends and lead a very sad and lonely life and die a lonely death no one will be at your funeral. Do you want that?

What?! You think Michael Jackson and Heath Ledger are cool because they take drugs?
Well..guess what? Look where they ended up? Yes, you guessed it dead. Under the ground..

And they wern't even past 55! Do you want to die at such a young age? Well..technically it's mid-age..but anyway!

Beat That!

Friday, August 13, 2010

The insides counts. Or both..

I never thought that someone could change their looks so different that you don't even recognize them anymore. I always thought that you could tell someone's personality by their eyes or looks.
(I've always heard that if someone thinks evil thoughts they look evil and if someone thinks good thoughts they look really kind. Like, it doesn't matter if that person is fat or what...they still look nice and thoughtful.)

But..unfortunately I'm only half right about that...
I was proved wrong by Michelle Phan. Great Make-up Guru on Youtube. Search her up. She proved me wrong by actually kind-of look like Lady Gaga. If you want to watch her do that click here. (It's pretty freaky when you think about it.)

Guess where I found Michelle Phan's channel? On Nigahiga's video making fun of her in a nice way.... Click here to watch it.
And can I just say..Nigahiga is AWESOME!!@

Now, Michelle Phan does really weird things from making Green tea ice cubes to Tomato facial scrubs. But she says it worked to help your skin become softer or something. She also transformed from Lady Gaga to Snow White then to Sailor Moon.

Though I've heard that if you use too much make-up your face feels like sandpaper. I don't know if it's true..I never use make-up..Too troublesome.

As my teacher says: Beauty is only skin deep.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I've been thinking...

I wonder how many people I've met... I mean it doesn't have to be that I've talked to them before it's just that I've seen them on the street or sitting beside them in an aeroplane..
How many lives could that be? Millions? Billions?

Imagine..If all the people that you've ever seen in you entire life..or even your past lives. What would happen if all those people vanished? It could wipe out the whole population of humans!
Then what would you do? What would you do if you were the last one standing on Earth?
(I think there's a movie called "Last One Standing"? Let me go check..*Goes To Google* Nup..but there is a TV series. If you want to know about it click here.)

If it was me..I would be shitting in my pants. That would be so scary! Imagine. There's no one around, and you're alone. You yell into the darkness and all you hear are the echoes of your voice bouncing everywhere. *Shivers*

It's terrifying just thinking about it. Remember all those horror movies that you watch at night? Where there's this guy all alone, the only one left of his kind. The rest of the populations are all zombies..or cannibals. And they're out to get all of us! Now that is freaky!

I wonder what would happen if there wasn't a World War 1 or 2. What if there wasn't terrorists attacks and gun-fights. What if the world was peaceful and everybody was contented. But the one problem it one can ever be contented. People now they always want stuff even if the don't need it. And they'll just kick and scream until they get what they want.

And I must say I am one of these people sometimes. But everyone has their days! And sometimes it's my day. So excuse me!

I wonder what would happen if some random person just came into my house and shoved a knife round my throat, and yelled for my money.

Who knows?

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Short Summary Of My Life Now.

I'm not sure what to write about, but I know I have to write about something..
Hmm...I could write about books..but nah..abit too boring.
How about...? Arghh! *Chucks a spasm*
*Excuse me for a while.*

Ok, I guess... I'll just talk about my life...
There's nothing really terribly intresting in my life it's kinda hard to write about it.

While reading this post, please listen to this music

I still find my siblings annoying. And my dad and sister are sick.
And for some reason I still like the guy in school. (He Who Shall Not Be Named In This Blog.)

Why? Why don't you tell me why?! Okay, I'm sorry for chucking a spasm on you. It's not your fault. (It's your mum's fault!) (Just Kidding...)

I'm doing well in school...I think. At least I don't have any school homework to do.
Except for this French homework thingy. I mean why should I do french? I'm in Australia.. Duh! If I wanted to do French, I would be in France. (indulging all the food France has to offer!)
But..there's only one problem..I'm not in France now am I?(No, I'm not.)

Anyway... What was I talking about again?

Oh! And my parents said I could go to this year's Camp and Disco! Which is a big Plus.

I'm also still continuing my novel-in-progress...once I get to finish Chapter 2 I'll post it on this blog.

Argh! Where's my TO-DO-LIST?