Saturday, August 7, 2010


I've been thinking...

I wonder how many people I've met... I mean it doesn't have to be that I've talked to them before it's just that I've seen them on the street or sitting beside them in an aeroplane..
How many lives could that be? Millions? Billions?

Imagine..If all the people that you've ever seen in you entire life..or even your past lives. What would happen if all those people vanished? It could wipe out the whole population of humans!
Then what would you do? What would you do if you were the last one standing on Earth?
(I think there's a movie called "Last One Standing"? Let me go check..*Goes To Google* Nup..but there is a TV series. If you want to know about it click here.)

If it was me..I would be shitting in my pants. That would be so scary! Imagine. There's no one around, and you're alone. You yell into the darkness and all you hear are the echoes of your voice bouncing everywhere. *Shivers*

It's terrifying just thinking about it. Remember all those horror movies that you watch at night? Where there's this guy all alone, the only one left of his kind. The rest of the populations are all zombies..or cannibals. And they're out to get all of us! Now that is freaky!

I wonder what would happen if there wasn't a World War 1 or 2. What if there wasn't terrorists attacks and gun-fights. What if the world was peaceful and everybody was contented. But the one problem it one can ever be contented. People now they always want stuff even if the don't need it. And they'll just kick and scream until they get what they want.

And I must say I am one of these people sometimes. But everyone has their days! And sometimes it's my day. So excuse me!

I wonder what would happen if some random person just came into my house and shoved a knife round my throat, and yelled for my money.

Who knows?

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