Saturday, August 14, 2010

Problems in this world?

While reading this post please listen to this music. Click here.

Really, what is this world coming to?

People killing, people dying..and men cheating on women or vice versa.
Why is everyone doing this? Why can't everyone be happy and just enjoy their time on earth?
If only life was this easy..everyone could just live their lives and not have to worry about the little things that happen. But then again, little things are what makes us happy.

Why are people so obsessed with their bodies? Doing plastic surgery every month? Every year?
What about botox? They do it so much that you can't even smile anymore.. Is that what people really want? They're spending money just so that they can't smile anymore?
And what about cigarettes? You might aswell be rolling up your money and setting it on fire!
You could be spending that money that you're burning up, on food that could keep you alive!
But no!'re killing yourself with that solid money that you or a friend have earned.

Is that what you should be doing? I don't think so! Instead you could be sponsoring a child in afghanistan with that money! Would you rather help a poor suffering kid or let yourself slowly suffer and die in pain?

You think smoking cigarettes are helping you through depression? Well, I can easily tell you it's not helping. Instead of smoking you could go to a group where other people like you can talk about your sufferings. I think that would be much nicer solution that killing yourself by inhaling over 40,000 chemicles! And sure if it was just you, who is inhaling those 40,000 chemicals it would be alright but no! If there's someone next to you or in the same room as you, they will be inhaling those 40,000 chemicals too. Would you want to be the cause of someone's death would you?!
That's right, I don't think so.

And what about drugs? People think it's cool. No, it's not cool. I'm not even a teenager and I can tell you that! You should be ashamed of yourself! What did your parents teach you?

Drugs suck! They make you see insects crawling all over you and you start imagining stuff that aren't even there! Is that what you want? To be mentally crazy? So that people think you're a retard and they start running away from you? If you keep going on that road you're going to have no friends and lead a very sad and lonely life and die a lonely death no one will be at your funeral. Do you want that?

What?! You think Michael Jackson and Heath Ledger are cool because they take drugs?
Well..guess what? Look where they ended up? Yes, you guessed it dead. Under the ground..

And they wern't even past 55! Do you want to die at such a young age? Well..technically it's mid-age..but anyway!

Beat That!

1 comment:

  1. michael jackson is a legend and it wasn't his ault that he died, heath ledger's was an accident. but i understand what you're getting at, michael jackson will never leave us and will always be with us music mind and soul he will never leave and always be remembered. R.I.P MJ we love you!
