Friday, August 13, 2010

The insides counts. Or both..

I never thought that someone could change their looks so different that you don't even recognize them anymore. I always thought that you could tell someone's personality by their eyes or looks.
(I've always heard that if someone thinks evil thoughts they look evil and if someone thinks good thoughts they look really kind. Like, it doesn't matter if that person is fat or what...they still look nice and thoughtful.)

But..unfortunately I'm only half right about that...
I was proved wrong by Michelle Phan. Great Make-up Guru on Youtube. Search her up. She proved me wrong by actually kind-of look like Lady Gaga. If you want to watch her do that click here. (It's pretty freaky when you think about it.)

Guess where I found Michelle Phan's channel? On Nigahiga's video making fun of her in a nice way.... Click here to watch it.
And can I just say..Nigahiga is AWESOME!!@

Now, Michelle Phan does really weird things from making Green tea ice cubes to Tomato facial scrubs. But she says it worked to help your skin become softer or something. She also transformed from Lady Gaga to Snow White then to Sailor Moon.

Though I've heard that if you use too much make-up your face feels like sandpaper. I don't know if it's true..I never use make-up..Too troublesome.

As my teacher says: Beauty is only skin deep.

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