Friday, December 23, 2011

Bleach Movie 4 Review: Hell Chapter

I know, I know... I said that I would upload this review like 9 or 10 weeks ago... I'm REALLY sorry! I was busy with school and everything! It was my last year and everything... But I graduated last week and next year I have to look forward to high school life. JOY. Anyway, as I said before... this review contains spoilers like many of my other reviews so just to make it clear:

SPOILER!!   (I hope that made it clear...)

Review:  I am a BIG Bleach fan, and I'm sure most of you know that already... And like all the other Bleach Movies, I definitely recommend that you watch this one! It's the 4th Bleach Movie that has come out and it's called: Hell Chapter.

So, it starts of with these "Sinners" from Hell wanting to escape. But they are held back by these chains that they can't break free from. And SURPRISE SURPRISE! Ichigo is the only one with enough strength to break them free. Which he's not supposed to do, because they have to atone for their sins in Hell. The "Sinners" then kidnap his younger sister: Yuzu. They use her as  bait to make Ichigo free them. (They take her back to Hell with them.)

He and all the awesome people from Bleach go with him to help and a Sinner (That pretends to be good.) guides them to where Yuzu is in Hell. But it's dangerous if Ichigo uses his power to help them escape from Hell. Because his power is uncontrollable he can destroy Karakura Town and the Real world.

The thing is he can't really control his power in Hell because it triggers his Full Hollow transformation.

What I really hate about this movie is that Orihimi takes advantage of the situation when times are down for Ichigo and she goes and hugs him from behind. Think I'm lying? (I wish it wasn't true.) Here's proof:

And this was revenge for letting her hug his back.

HEHE. Also is this movie he got a new transformation! With Hell's help of course!

It looks like this! And it's GOLD! :

I recommend that you watch it! And people have uploaded it online already so just watch it off the net.

Signing off,

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Update. Promised Review.

Okay, so yes. I haven't done one of those reviews in AWHILE. And this site is supposed to be for reviews..yes? Well... Fear not. I will be uploading a review on the Latest Bleach Movie. WAHOO! Yes, to all you Bleach fans...I'm sure you've heard of the 4th Bleach movie called: Hell Chapter... right? Well, I just watched it yesterday... and it was AWESOME! So yes.. I will be doing a review on it later. And yes, It will contain some spoilers. So if you don't want to know what happens before you watch it then, please don't check out the review.
So please look forward to that. And yes, I know... I still haven't updated a new chapter for my fanfic. And I apologize for not updating it. So, my school holidays ended 2 weeks ago.. and yes, I'm upset about it. And since today is Saturday, I'll list all the events that happened to me this week.

So first.. Monday: Nothing exciting really happened on Monday but the week before this week, I scratched myself while dancing to a few Kpop dances...(I can't dance by the way..)
So, I was dancing in front of my computer... and I was failing. So yeah, then my hand accidently hit my other arm and I scratched it some how.. yes, there was a bit of blood but it was nothing much so it didn't really hurt. It's looking better now and it's kind of healed since it's been like two weeks.

Tuesday... hmm.. nothing really happened much on Tuesday either. It was a normal school day.But, for my dinner I had Japanese Food! My parents prepared it because their like SUPER AWESOME. On Wednesday, Nothing special happened either.OH! I remember, we had this music audition thing for our year 7 graduation at the end of the year, and all the year 7s (Including me!) got to listen to the audition!~ The music was REALLY NICE! But my lunch at achool was really nice!(as WELL!) I got to bring some of the left overs from Tuesday night's dinner. It was SUPER YUMMY!
On Thursday, I had to participate in a class debate. And yes, it involves public speaking, which I'm really bad at. But after I finished my debate I was like: WAHHOOO! FINISHED! BEAT THAT BABY!! And yes, I kind of yelled it out. And yes, I started spinning around and I got really dizzy, yes, at times I can be REALLY WEIRD! (I'm sure you guys already knew that..)
After my debate we had our Ball Room dancing lessons, for the Dinner & Dance thing we're gonna have at the end of the year. (It's for Year 7s!) And yes, I started blushing a lot and my hands started sweating because I was nervous. My hands only sweat when I'm nervous. But then I had to touch some of the guy's hands which were SO MUCH more sweatier than mine! So yeah. I couldn't even look at the guys I was dancing with, in the eyes. And yes, I looked like a red tomato. Oh. JOY! I came home and while I was walking through my house.. I some how managed to scratch my leg. Here's the cut:
(My camera sucks but you can kind of see the red line there right? That's where I scratched my leg.. *sigh*)

And yesterday, was Friday. But I had no school. Because it was CHOGM. The Queen came to Perth and everything. So we couldn't go to school. Because it was something to do with if the people go to school or work the roads get jammed with cars and they want it free for the Queen, or something like that..But it was cool though.. since I had no school! YEAH!~

So that was like my little update thingy on my week. And I'll be doing the Bleach Hell Chapter Review soon.

Signing off.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I Sincerely Apologize.

I know.. I know.

I did not update over my school holidays. Even though I promised that I would. You have a right to get angry.

But it was the School Holidays! I was...busy. Hey! It's the holidays and I wanted to make use of it.. for stuff like sleeping in until it's like Lunch time. Or staying at my computer for like 12 hours a day. Yeah, sure I spent all my time watching animes and I haven't been updating my fanfic and there's heaps of people who read my fanfics, getting angry. But, I can't help it!

But hey, I'm sort of updating now. And my school starts on Tuesday...*sigh* Well, this is my last term as a year 7 student and next year I'll be facing the problem called: HIGHSCHOOL.

I'm sure I'll be fine though. I mean most of my friends now are going to that highschool. Yes.. it's not the super smart school for SUPER smart people. I'm sorry that I failed the hard test. But I got in to this other school that I actually wanted to go to. It's the same highschool as the one my siblings went to. They'll both be in Uni next year. So.. I'm alone.

Also, my sister has a SUPER BIG obsession to this guy from the KPOP group: 2PM. I'm sure most of you have heard of them. If you're asian, you're surely to know them. They kinda look like this:                      

Yeah. You've all seen them before I'm sure. They sang the HeartBeat song.

Okay, so the picture I showed you just know is their NORMAL picture. But you see my sister is kind of like a pervert and this is her favourite picture of them:


Yes. She likes to see topless men that are standing in water.Because her head is THAT twisted that she finds pleasure in seeing half-naked men that are...wet.

And this is her favourite guy:

His name is Chansung. If you want to find out more about him click here.

  And my sister found this picture of Changsung and his other group member called: Taecyeon .. together.It looks like this: 
This picture disturbed me GREATLY. And yes.
Changsung is the guy on the left..flashing his..umm..

Thank you very much for listening to me rant.
Signing Off.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Own Personal Update.

Yes.. I know I haven't been posting many reviews lately, on ANY kind of subject. I have been a bit busy with stuff like... being a loner. Okay, I'm not actually that depressing but I have been behaving like a slob lately, on weekends. And I can't wait for this week to go by, because it'll be the SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!

And who doesn't like school holidays?! Yeah, I don't hate school (That much..) but I don't like waking up early either! And wearing a school uniform and sitting behind a desk for 30 hours a week! I get tired. And I don't get much time to do stuff like lazing around or playing electronic games or watching random stuff. Or updating on this blog! But I can NEVER give up! Nothing will KILL ME!

 But last Friday, I DID attend my school DISCO. Yeah, it's pretty sad that I've been attending that school for like, what, 6 years and I have only attended the school DISCO (And it comes every year.) once, and it's also going to be my last time since this is my last year in primary school. Yeah, next year, I'll be attending high school, and I'm going to be even busier!

But yes, my school DISCO, was pretty awesome and yes, I did steal one of the blown up guitar things. What was that? You want to see a picture of it? Well, here it is:

Yeah, and I must say, It's really nice to sleep on!

And yes, no matter how embarrassing and stupid this might sound, I DO pretend to play it in front of my bath room mirror and I must say it may also have inspired me to start playing the guitar. And also it's because of this anime that I'm watching at the moment.

And yes, if I feel like it, I might do an anime review on it!

I have also watched the movie Green Latern today. And yes, I might do a movie review on it if I feel like it.
I haven't done one of those in ages!

And YES, it's pretty cool. I mean it's RYAN REYNOLDS! But I'm kind of disappointed because, I grew up with a Green Lantern that was a black person and then suddenly this white green lantern guy comes out and I'm like: WTH?!

And here's a trailer of it!:

And since I have finally updated and made some promises which I might or might not fulfill, I shall take my leave and I'll see you again later.

Signing off.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Assignment is So Annoying.

Okay, so I have this assignment that I had to complete. And I was doing my assignment on this book called: Rock & Role. It is also a book in the Cinderella Cleaners series. This is the first book that I've read from the Cinderella Cleaners series.

Okay, this book isn't terrible but, the main character, Diana is kinda full of herself and her friends are seriously shit. My assignment required me to write a letter to a friend stating the character's adventures and it had to be in the main character's point of view.

This is how my assignment looked like after I've finished with it:


Book: Cinderella Cleaners: Rock & Role. Author: Maya Gold.

By: Shalinn Yeap

Dear Nelson,

Thank you for the magical vest that you made for me. Without the vest, I would have never been able to be in the cast for Tasha Kane’s music video. You really are a life saver.

You probably want to know about my adventures to how I got to be in her music video right? Well, here it is:

Mrs. Felter, also known as Lyndia Felter, dropped something off at our cleaners and she couldn’t come back to pick up the piece of clothing, so my dad entrusted me to deliver the clothing back to her. Apparently, I had to deliver it to RiverVista Estates.

On my way there I bumped into Will, one of my friends. He was holding a tray FULL of drinks. He said they were for his dad and some other people.

I started asking Will some questions about his dad and he told me a VERY BIG secret! He told me that his dad was a sound engineer for Tasha Kane’s new music video! I was so SHOCKED!

But I had to keep it a secret because I promised Will that I wouldn’t tell anyone! He then promised me that I could see Tasha Kane so we walked to the super secret studio where Tasha Kane was. (I so didn’t expect you to be working there!)

I didn’t want to look like an idiot carrying a vest in a dry cleaners bag so I wore the vest. It looked GREAT on me.

We went past the security guard and we saw Tasha Kane singing! Well, she was recording her song. Her song sounded fabulous.

She saw me afterwards and she complimented on the vest that wasn’t mine. (Because you know I steal stuff just so I look good!) She also complimented on my multi-coloured shoe-laces.

I was also promised a music video audition if I wore the vest to the audition, but how could I do that? This wasn’t my vest!

Luckily, you were there Nelson! As I said before, you saved my life!

For the audition, we could pick a friend to go with us so I picked Sara! (Which is one of my friends.) I told her not to tell anyone about Tasha Kane or her music video.

I got in trouble at the cleaners because I didn’t return the vest in time. But it didn’t matter now because you, Nelson made a copy of the vest that was BETTER than the original!

Sara looked stunning for the audition. She really went ALL OUT! She wore a really long big Indian dress!

But after awhile, Sara could keep her big mouth shut! She had to tell everyone! My best friend got angry at me because I didn’t tell her about Tasha Kane.

Will got angry at me because he trusted me, but it wasn’t my fault! Sara was the one that told EVERYONE!

I apologized to Jess and she said it was also her fault for getting jealous. Will forgave me soon after that and we were lucky because Sara didn’t tell anyone where the studio was.

After we did the music video, everything was back to normal and I got two free Tasha Kane T-shirts for my two step sisters. Since they love her SO MUCH!

Once again, thank you Nelson! And I’ll hope you’ll come back to work at Cinderella Cleaners!

Yours Sincerely,


This is how, I would've liked to type it.


Book: Cinderella Cleaners: Rock & Role. Author: Maya Gold.

By: Shalinn Yeap

Dear Nelson,

Thank you for the magical vest that you made for me. Without the vest, I would have never been able to be in the cast for Tasha Kane’s music video. You really are a life saver.(You know, because I’m too much of a bum to make it myself, and you’re just some one that I can rely on. And I’m so not reliable because I don’t even know how to return a vest on time, Instead I wear it and it’s not even mine.)

You probably want to know about my adventures to how I got to be in her music video right? (Yeah, I got in because of a vest that I technically ‘stole’ and I have no talent what so ever so the only reason why I got into the video was because of this vest. That does not belong to me!) Well, here it is:

Mrs. Felter, also known as Lyndia Felter, dropped something off at our cleaners and she couldn’t come back to pick up the piece of clothing, so my dad entrusted me to deliver the clothing back to her. Apparently, I had to deliver it to RiverVista Estates.( Yeah, I had to DELIVER it, not WEAR IT and say it’s a gift from a friend.)

On my way there I bumped into Will, one of my friends. He was holding a tray FULL of drinks. He said they were for his dad and some other people.

I started asking Will some questions about his dad and he told me a VERY BIG secret! He told me that his dad was a sound engineer for Tasha Kane’s new music video! I was so SHOCKED! (Yeah, and I only like her because she’s famous.)

But I had to keep it a secret because I promised Will that I wouldn’t tell anyone! He then promised me that I could see Tasha Kane so we walked to the super secret studio where Tasha Kane was. (I so didn’t expect you to be working there!)

I didn’t want to look like an idiot carrying a vest in a dry cleaners bag so I wore the vest. It looked GREAT on me. (Yeah, this vest isn’t even mine! So I should just get sued for wearing it! And guess what? I didn’t even pay the person when I returned their clothing LATE! But you know who cares? Cause I look FABULOUS in it! NOT!)

We went past the security guard and we saw Tasha Kane singing! Well, she was recording her song. Her song sounded fabulous. ( Nah, I lied. Her song just keeps repeating over and over! This is how her lyrics go: “Have you heard? Have you heard? Have you heard the word?” I mean seriously? Can you be any GAYER?)

She saw me afterwards and she complimented on the vest that wasn’t mine. (Because you know I steal stuff just so I look good!) She also complimented on my multi-coloured shoe-laces.

I was also promised a music video audition if I wore the vest to the audition, but how could I do that? This wasn’t my vest! (Yeah, it’s NOT MY VEST! But whatever, I’m so going to be in a music video!)

Luckily, you were there Nelson! As I said before, you saved my life! (As I said before, I’m a lazy bum.)

For the audition, we could pick a friend to go with us so I picked Sara! (Which is one of my friends. That I can’t even trust because she told everyone about Tasha
Kane, but birds of a feather flock together right?) I told her not to tell anyone about Tasha Kane or her music video.

I got in trouble at the cleaners because I didn’t return the vest in time. But it didn’t matter now because you, Nelson made a copy of the vest that was BETTER than the original! (Yeah, which I didn’t make myself!)

Sara looked stunning for the audition. She really went ALL OUT! She wore a really long big Indian dress! (Stuffed up much? You know what’s worse? She said: “Is it too much?” Yeah.. Ya think?)

But after awhile, Sara could keep her big mouth shut! She had to tell everyone! My best friend got angry at me because I didn’t tell her about Tasha Kane.

Will got angry at me because he trusted me, but it wasn’t my fault! Sara was the one that told EVERYONE!

I apologized to Jess and she said it was also her fault for getting jealous. Will forgave me soon after that and we were lucky because Sara didn’t tell anyone where the studio was.

After we did the music video, everything was back to normal and I got two free Tasha Kane T-shirts for my two step sisters. Since they love her SO MUCH!

Once again, thank you Nelson! And I’ll hope you’ll come back to work at Cinderella Cleaners!

Yours Sincerely,

Diana. ( The stuff- up)

Okay, that's my little rant. And if you wanted to read that book, I probably like gave you alot of spoilers. But if you're like me? You'd be VERY annoyed with this book if you are like DIANA then you would love this book. Because it's practically ABOUT YOU. Anyway, I'm going now so bye!

Signing out.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hello my fellow living forms.

Yes. It's been a while since I've updated. No, I wasn't dead.
Okay, I'm feeling a bit weird maybe because I ate alot of expired chocolate.
What? It was only expired for a few days. And it was because my sister got some chocolate as a birthday present. Expired chocolate for a birthday present. Real nice.

Yeah she didn't want to eat it so I ate it. It'll be a shame to waste it.

So I ate it! Well, half of it anyway.

So it's my sister's birthday today, and so, happy birthday to her!
I would tell you her name but I don't want you guys to go and stalk her and stuff. Because that would be just creepy.

Anyway, I can tell you her age! She is now officially 19!

But she's still REALLY immature. And she's still really lazy.
(AND I put the cute hamster picture there because I like it. It's cute..)

Also, my birthday is coming up soon! It's on the 29th of September! And you can send me like happy birthday thing by tweeting me here.

I would give you my facebook account thing. But I don't want you guys stalking me either.
Because.. I'm not really much to stalk. I'll be at my computer! Or sleeping in my lovely broken bed.

And I know I need to upload more reviews and stuff. And I also need to upload chapter 6 of my AMUTO fanfic. If you want to read it please click here.

I'll try to update more anime reviews and other reviews. But you have to be patient with me.

And today for lunch I'm having japanese ramen! My dad cooks the BEST japanese food ever!

(That is not the ramen my dad cooked I found this picture on the internet. Google image to be exact.)

So I shall be indulging in the YUMINESS of japanese food while you go read something else!

Signing off.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Wicked the Musical Review

Hey guys! I'm sorry for my lack of updates! I've been busy!
So just last Sunday, I went to see the musical Wicked! And it was like my second time seeing a musical.. and it was PRETTY awesome!(The first musical that I saw was Les Miserables! Yeah.. it was pretty awesome too!)

Anyway.. while doing this review I WILL be talking about the storyline and such so.. if you don't want me to spoil it for you.. Read something else on my blog!

So, since I watched this musical in Autralia with an Australian cast.. it was REALLY good!
(And I'm not saying this JUST BECAUSE I live in Australia.) And I watched a recorded performance of WICKED in London and it just wasn't as funny and it wasn't as good!

So practically.. Wicked is supposedly the true story of The Wizard of Oz. So that Wicked Witch of the West.. is NOT ACTUALLY WICKED. She's not EVIL AT ALL!
She's REALLY nice and she cares and stuff. But she was born green. WHY? Well.. lets just say that I hate the Wizard I hate her mother and I hate her father(the governer). I mean seriously?! The mother was cheating on the governer with the WIZARD! And the Wizard is a friggin' PLAYER! How's THAT for magic?

Anyway.. that's right! WHY she's green. Well.. the Wizard made her mother drink a green potion before they slept together.. (Which is REALLY gross!) Anyway.. so she ended up with HIS baby..which was green from the green potion. (stupid man.)

Yeah.. so.. ANYWAY. So basically.. it just tells you the story of the GOOD witch and the Wicked witch. And they hated each other at first but then they became REALLY good friends! And Feyero I was REALLY disappointed! Because I was SO hoping that there was a REALLY HOT guy playing Fiyero.. but they didn't get a hot guy in the Australian cast.. ARGH! Anyway.. for the performance that I was watching.. The guy playing Fiyero.. tripped at the end.. it was funny.

My favourite song out of all of them was probably Popular.. or What is this Feeling.. or I'm not that Girl. It's a tie. They're all good!

And I so knew that Fiyero was going to be turned into the scarecrow! And I was RIGHT! How's THAT for magic? Or AWESOMENESS!

And I was REALLY scared of the thing the Wizard sits in! And The dragon.. I SO KNEW it was going to move! And it did! And I let out a SMALL scream. After all.. I was in the the big theater! It would have echoed EVERYWHERE!

Anyway.. I DEFINITELY recommend that you check out this Musical! If you haven't already done so.. it's REALLY GOOD!!!

And I recommend that you watch it in Australia.. because the Australian cast is REALLY good!

And also.. I do not like the Tin Man nor do I like Alpheba's sister.. and I don't like the Wizard.
They have all REALLY bad personalities!

And after the Wicked Witch "died" (she didn't) The wizard was like: SHE WAS ACTUALLY MY DAUGHTER!??

Some father he is..

Signing off.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Being Girl Website- For Girls

Okay, obviously, as you can see from the title. This post is for girls. And girls only. So all you guys reading this. Just skip this post and go read something else on my blog. Oh Look! Look to the right! My twitter feed thingy. Why don't you boys go follow me on twitter and leave me a message or something while I talk to the girls? I'll be done real quick!

Okay, now that we've got that out of the way... Let's get started!
Now there are not that many sites out there for girls. That tell you about how to deal with girl problems and what you're going to expect. So guess what? I stumbled across a website that tells you all these stuff! Which is great! Because now all my questions are answered! And I REALLY want to share this website with you as well to put you out of your misery!

Click here for the link to the website! I tells you EVERYTHING! From body problems to relationship stuff. (I'm not in a relationship so I don't really care about the column..) Anyway, they also tell you what type of foods you should eat to stay healthy. They also give you a solution to dry skin!

And the first time you visit that site they make you fill out a feedback type thing and when they ask you how did you get their website post the website of my blog there or something.

Anyway, this site is REALLY REALLY useful if you are a girl! And if you're a boy that didn't listen to me in my first paragraph you are now an official pervert. HEHE.

Signing Off.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

ToraDora Anime Review

So, here is the anime review that I've promised you guys and never really got around to doing it. So here it is:

So, basically, the storyline goes like this:

Taiga Aisaka bumps into Takasu Ryuji in one of the hall ways at school. Taiga is known as the "Palmtop Tiger" at school since she has this fiesty aggressive behaviour. While Takasu Ryuji is feared by all the student for his scary looking face, but on the inside he's a kind and caring guy that is REALLY good at cooking. (Man, I want him to cook for me!~)

So both of them start talking and Taiga finds out the Ryuji likes her best friend :Minori Kushieda. While Ryuji finds out that Taiga likes his friend: YÅ«saku Kitamura. They agree to help each other get together with their crushes. Then this annoying bratty model pops up called : Ami Kawashima.

Ami soon finds out that she has feelings for Ryuji. But that doesn't matter. Also, I forgot to mention that Taiga is a pretty messy person and doesn't really eat proper meals. So Ryuji in the mean time cleans her house for her and cooks for her every morning, noon and night.

While Taiga is helping Ryuji get together with her friend, Minori, she finds out that she does have feelings for Ryuji. But she knows that Minori also kind of has feelings for Ryuji so she works harder to forget about Ryuji and just helps him. (This part is a spoiler!)On Christmas day, she asks Minori to meet up with Ryuji, Taiga goes home alone and waits for Santa to visit her, Santa doesn't come. She whispers to herself: "I'll be alone this year on Christmas day as well... " and with that she drifts off to sleep.

A few hours later she wakes up to a loud banging noise. It's coming from her bedroom. She arms herself and opes the window. There's a mascot there: A bear in a santa outfit. She pulls him in and they talk for a while. He twirls her around the room and somehow manages to knock his mascot head off. Turns out the mascot is Ryuji. But Taiga already expected it to be Ryuji. Taiga tells Ryuji to go meet with Minori since that was Taiga's christmas present for Ryuji. She pushes him out the door and tells him to go and accept her gift to him. He goes. Taiga realises that she's crying. She realised that if Ryuji meets up with Minori. They'll be together, and she realises that the one standing next to Ryuji from now on won't be her. Taiga doesn't want that. She runs out of the building to chase after him but he's already gone. She falls to her knees and stars crying... But you'll have to watch the anime to find out what happens afterwards. HEHE.

So this anime was REALLY GOOD! It's probably my favourite anime at the moment!

Now.. I rate this anime:8.7

It's A REALLY GOOD anime and it will bring you joy AND sadness so please I recommend that you watch this and enjoy!

Signing off,

Sunday, June 19, 2011

I Apologize Once Again

I'm so super sorry that I haven't been updating as often as I would've liked to. I've been busy with homework and assignments. I'm truly sorry.

And I will upload that anime review on the anime ToraDora soon I promise! And for those out there that have been reading my fanfic. I'm sorry as well! I have been neglecting my fanfic and I'm still currently working on my chapter 5. I know I should've published this chapter last week but once again. I have been busy!

I'll be uploading a post soon on my little trip to Kalamunda which is in Australia. Which is where I live! Hehe. So yes, I'll be uploading two posts. Maybe 3 if I can squeeze it in. I'll work hard to see to it that I publish these posts that I have promised to publish!

Also: If you didn't read my last post about my fanfic, please feel free to read it here.

Now, Let me just finish my assignment on Stars and Constellations and I'll work on my posts soon.

(If you'd like to research about stars... I found a really good website! You can access it here.)

That'll be it from me.

Signing out.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

MY FIRST FANFIC! And it's an AMUTO one!

I have decided to create a fanfic, since I am HOOKED on Amuto fanfics! So, please check my fanfic out by clicking: Here

Also, if you want a preview, I'll be nice and give you one: Here's my first chapter!:

Midget: Hihi! I'm new to this so I'm still a amateur at this... I'm sorry! But I know everyone of you people out there LOVE the couple AMUTO! I love it too! DAISKI AMUTO! I just ABSOLUTELY HATE TADAMU! ESPECIALLY TADAGAY!

Tadase (TADAGAY): (sad face) Why does everyone hate TADAMU? And why does EVERYONE have to keep calling me TADAGAY? And WHY THE HELL is there TADAGAY in brackets next to my name? What have I done wrong to deserve this? And I will NEVER FORGIVE IKUTO FOR STEALING AWAY ALL MY FANS AND AMU!

Midget: OMIGOD! Give it up already! EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE prefers AMUTO than TADAMU! And EVERYONE prefers IKUTO than TADAGAY! Why can't you get that through your THICK SKULL? And I'm sorry for popping your bubble but you never had any fans in the first place.. or at least they were UNDER sub zero... And how the hell did you get in anyway? SECURITY! Oh.. and by the way TADAGAY... Everyone here knows you're gay... even you do, so don't try to DENY it... (Starts chanting and pointing at TADAGAY... "You are a GAYLORD, You are a GAYLORD, DON"T DENY..)

Tadase (TADAGAY): (Gets pulled away ... by security..) I am not GAY!

Midget: GAG HIM!

Tadase (TADAGAY): Why do I even bother? I knew this would hap- (Gets gagged and dragged away...)

Midget: So anyway, now that he's gone... This fanfic will be an AMUTO one...

Amu & Ikuto: Another one...? HOW MANY ARE THERE GOING TO BE?

Midget: Oh good... both of you are here.. Now.. I want you both to read it and tell me what you think of it! (Hands them pieces of paper..)

Amu: (Reads) No way am I swapping bodies with a certain someone! (Glares at Ikuto)

Ikuto: No way am I turning into a woman! I may be pervy but I still have my PRIDE!

Amu: (Gives Ikuto the Death Glare..) If you do anything perverted to my body.. I am going to KILL YOU!

Midget: I have a feeling that this bickering won't end anytime soon so let's just get started shall we? Anyone going to do the disclaimer?

Tadase (TADAGAY): I'll do it!

Midget: SHUT THE HELL UP! I thought I told security to get you out of here already.. anyway.. I am not allowing you to do it EVER! So I'll do it! I do NOT own Shugo Chara... Though I wish I did.. Anyway.. Let's get started!

Ikuto's POV

I opened my eyes.. URGH.. Why the hell is my head throbbing so badly? Huh? What the hell is this? I looked around in the surroundings that I have woken up in... Why am I in Amu's room? I thought back at the events that happened last night...

~Flash Back~

I bent down looking at Amu's cute, adorable face... She stared back at me. "Heh..." I smirked at her, unleashing one of my drop dead gorgeous smiles at her. Yeah, that's right.. I knew how deadly my smile was, I could grab any girls heart, and that included Amu's. "Getting lost in my eyes now are we?" I teased her. "Urg! As if! No girl would ever fall in love with your good looks, and your husky manly voice and especially not your hot body!"

"Eh... You think I have a hot body?" I teased her once more.

"As i- " She tried saying but she couldn't finish her sentence. Because I pressed my lips against hers. She broke the kiss by pushing me away. "URG! Y-you PERVERT! Get out of here!" She tried to push me off her balcony but before she could I already jumped off it.

"Good Night, Amu", I said after I safely landed on the ground my head looking up at her little face.

Before she could respond, I was already walking away from her house and towards my own.

~End of Flash back~

That's right I walked home and slept in MY OWN BED... But, if that was the case... How did I end up in AMU's room? She couldn't have possible KIDNAPPED me and CARRIED me here...Why would she ever do that? Before I could answer my own question, Amu's little sister Ami opened the door and ran in. "Oh shit!" I thought to myself. "She's gonna tell her parents that I'm in Amu's room!". Speaking of Amu...I looked around. "Where the hell is AMU?" I thought to myself.

The little brown haired girl just ran up to me, like nothing was weird at all, and flung herself at me.

"Onee-cha n, Onee-chan!" She cried.

"Umm, Don't you mean... Onii- ", Shit why did my voice sound so girly? Why did it sound so high- pitched? Why did..Why did it sound so much like Amu's?

I stared down at myself. These weren't my clothes, these were Amu's. I couldn't help but notice PINK HAIR sitting on MY shoulders. I touched it and flinched. I slowly followed the pink hair to where it came from.. I found that the source was INDEED from my own scalp. Oh crap! I ran out of Amu's room and into her bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. Wait, hold on a minute, If I WAS staring at MYSELF in the mirror, why the HELL was AMU's reflection staring back at ME? This had got to be a bad dream! This couldn't be happening to me! Wait, if I was in Amu's body, then that meant that she MUST be in my own body! I had to talk to her now!

I ran back into Amu's bed room. Once Ami saw me back in the room she ran up to me and hugged me... Gosh! She reminded me of Utau, always flinging herself at me.. At least she was light and cute, UNLIKE Utau...

"Onee- chan, Onee-chan! What tar ya 'ookin' faw?" the brown haired girl cried.

"Umm, Onee-chan's looking for her cell phone, so does Ami-chan know where it is?" I couldn't believe it... I just referred to myself as, "Onee-chan". I truly AM such a sad excuse for a man, but anyhow! Desperate times call for desperate measures!

"Yay! Helpin'! I wuv helpin'! Onee-chan, don't cha always leave your cell phone in ya skuul bawg?" the brown haired girl yelled out.

Hmmm... school bag, in MIGHT be in there... Where does she keep her school bag? I looked around the room and found it laying by her closet door. Bingo! There it is! I ran over to the bag and kneeled down to pick it up. Damn it was heavy, what the HELL did she put in her school bag. I found out when I tipped the contents of the bag out onto the floor. Let's see books, books, accessories, weird shiny thing... Hold on a minute it's her cell phone! I picked it up and flipped it open. I scrolled down her contacts list and saw my name. I clicked on it and held it to my ear. While waiting for Amu to pick up the phone I tuned to Ami and patted her on the head and mouthed the words, "Thank you".

After a few rings she picked up.

Amu's POV


Dammit! What the hell was making that annoying sound? Shit! My cell phone! I threw off my blanket and ran to my school bag, or what I thought was my school bag, which appeared to be (at the moment) nothing but thin air... I clearly remembered my school bag being near my closet. But where the hell was my closet? I looked around at my surroundings... Where the hell was my room?


Oh right, the damn phone... The ringing appeared to be coming from the bedside table... I walked over to it and found quite a stylish black phone. Who the hell could be calling me so early in the morning? I glanced down at the caller id and was so flabbergasted at the name blinking on the screen. Who the hell was using my goddamn phone?

I flipped the stylish clump of technology open and placed it on my ear. "OI YOU!" I yelled into the phone. Who the hell did this punk think he/she was? Using my phone, without my permission! I was already pissed off at having my room disappear and it being changed into a different one. "DROP MY PHONE DOWN NOW! I mean it! You DAMN creep! Who the hell said you could touch my phone without permission?"

OHMIGOD! Why was my voice so deep and husky and manly and oh so sexy? Why the hell did it sound JUST LIKE the same voice..the same voice as that intimidating, perverted cat, IKUTO!

"Oi, Amu!", Oh my god... I could hear MY OWN voice speaking to me on the other line! What the hell is happening to me?

"Who the HELL is this?" I yelled back. My voice was shaking.

"It's Ikuto! I know you may be scared right now, but have you checked how you looked yet?" The voice (That sounded exactly like mine) replied.

"IKUTO! Is this one of your tricks again? And why does your voice sound exactly like mine and mine sounds exactly like your's? And no, I haven't looked at myself yet.. I'm not as VAIN as you are! I just woke up... what do you expect?" I yelled, into the object.

"Okay, Don't walk anywhere near a mirror or let anyone see you! I'll be right over!" The perverted cat assured. He then ended the call.

URGH! The pervert had the nerve to use my phone and then hang up on me? Who the hell did he think he was?

I put the piece of technology down and sat on the bed. Who's bedroom was I in? I stood up and walked around the room. Stopping at the study table. There was a picture of a little boy there, a cute little boy with a serious looking face, with midnight blue hair. He was standing, holding a violin.

Wait, isn't that Ikuto? I'M IN IKUTO'S ROOM?

Ikuto's POV

I shut Amu's phone and ran out of her bedroom. Down the stairs and ran into the kitchen/dining room/ living room area straight for the main door. But before I could do that I noticed that I had two pairs of eyes locked onto me. One pair belonging to Amu's mum and the other belonging to Amu's dad.

Wow! Wasn't this just great... Great idea to just run down here... forgetting a "little something", HER PARENTS!

"Umm, honey? Shouldn't you change before heading out?" Amu's mum asked me.

I looked down at Amu's body. DAMN! I was still in her PJ's!

"And may, I ask where you're heading to so early in the morning?" Amu's dad asked me. "OH NO! Amu-chan! My little sparrow is leaving the nest!" I ignored her dad and faced her mum.

"Oops, I forgot, I'll go back up and change." I said and ran up the stairs.

I told Ami that I was going to change and gently pushed her out the door. Once the place was safe, I raised my hand up to unbutton the first button, then I stopped. CRAP! I totally forgot this was AMU's body and not mine. Shit! Guess I couldn't change... But I couldn't take the front door out of the house so I turned towards her balcony. I climbed up onto the railing ready to jump, when I realised that since I was in Amu's body, I didn't have my cat-like senses. Which meant that I couldn't guarantee that I would land on my feet. So I had to take the long way and climb down the pipes.

Once my foot touched the ground I started sprinting, sprinting over to my house.

Amu's POV

I saw out of the corner of my eye, a figure climbing through the window. AH! A CREEP!

Out of instinct I picked up a piece of stationary from Ikuto's desk and shutting my eyes chucked it at the figure. All I heard was an "OOF.." And it sounded like my voice...

I lifted up my head to face the strange figure and opened my eyes. My eyes widened and I placed a look of shock on my face.

OMIGOD! How could this be happening to me? Why was I facing ...myself? How could this be..? I'm me, obviously. So how could there be another one of me?

"Amu, I know this may be shocking but you must be calm and try not to scream..." My body (Which was at the same time not possessed by me, the owner.) said.

"Who the HELL ARE YOU?" I yelled at my body.

"Ikuto, but this is the least of your problems right now... You must promise NOT to scream!" He pushed me in front of his bedroom mirror and told me to look at my reflection.

Ikuto's POV

"AHHHHHH! ****! Mother ****ing! How could this happen!" Amu screeched. But instead of it sounding like her girlish voice it was low and husky.

Amu ran over to the wall of Ikuto's bedroom and started bashing her head on it. "How *bash* could *bash* this *bash* happen *bash* to *bash* me! *bash*"

"Oi!" I exclaimed. "What do you think you're doing to MY body?"

She lifted her head up and I saw blood dripping from MY fore head. I ran up to her and pulled her away from the wall. "What the hell were you thinking? You're gonna make me look like a BIG IDIOT at school tomorrow! This." I said pointing at the body Amu was possessing right now. "Is MY body, It belongs to me. So, you can't just start making it BLEED!"

There was a silence so I spoke breaking the silence. "Realising that I'm right, huh?" I said smirking. I couldn't hear her say anything, instead all I heard was sounding like some grown up man full on crying. Shit! Damn she sounds horrible, crying in MY voice, in MY body. I did what I normally would do. I pulled her up. But this time when I did that, she was so heavy! Dammit, Amu's body had barely any muscles and my body structure was WAY to heavy for Amu's body to carry.

When I finally pulled her up, I pulled her close to me and hugged her. I was going to rest my chin (Which Amu use to possess.) on her head. (Which I use to possess.) But I stopped after some pretty awkward attempts. I found that I was just digging my (Amu's) chin into her (My) stomach. Why the hell did her body have to be SO DAMN SHORT? I found that I had to look up at her. Well... this is awkward..

Midget: So, how d'ya like it? And may I just say… I did NOT copy anyone's fanfic! I found out there were a few AFTER I finished typing this chapter up… And they all bailed out on the "Switching bodies" Idea a FEW YEARS AGO! But No way, am I giving up on this idea! I made it up so I'm sticking to it!

Tadase(Tadagay): We're ALL IN THIS TOGE-

Midget: SECURITY! *mumbles* What kinda shit place is this? It doesn't even have a secure security! Even Tadagay can come in…

Tadase(Tadagay): Wait! Before I get gagged AGAIN! Let me just say: Amu! I WUV- *Gets punched in face*

Ikuto: *Blows on his knuckles… In a REALLY COOL way…* Save it… Gaylord..

Amu: Well this is AWKWARD… Umm.. hehe… Well.. PLEASE R&R!

Midget: Oh and… I'll probably put up the next chapter next week!

Now, start reading!
By clicking here

Signing off.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Shugo Chara Review

Today, I’ll be doing a review on the anime: Shugo Chara. I have to say that this anime did bring me heaps of pleasure! And it also made me VERY VERY aggravated. Because of the stupid character in it called Tadase or if I may call him: Tadagay. He is so ANNOYING! He’s even worse than Yuki in Fruits Basket or Mytho in Princess Tutu. Because he just kept popping up every time Amu and Ikuto were getting close. Anyway, Ikuto is SOO AWESOM E! So, in this anime, he is a 17 year old high schooler. And his “chara” is called Yoru and he is so adorable! So, apparently, he character changes into a cat-like figure. Kinda like Kyo, but he is NOT a cat... or is he? Anyway.... And the main character is a girl.... called Amu. She is supposedly, one of those cool, secretive girls... And people around her call her : “Cool and Spicy”. But honestly, she wants to be like the other girls but since she’s a big sister, she has to put on this kind of act...

And the story goes on and on...

Now, may I just say.... Ikuto is like the AWESOMESS!? And he just make you feel like going: ~KYAAA!~

On the other hand Tadase, is an ULTIMATE GAYLORD! YAY! CONGRATULATIONS! He takes gay to a WHOLE different level!

And Yoru just takes you to a WHOLE different level of CUTENESS!~


This is Amu:

This is Ikuto:

This is Yoru:

This is Kukai:

This is Nagihiko:

This is Nadeshiko:

This is Kairi:

This is Yaya:

This is Utau:

Now, Utau, kind of has a thing for Ikuto.. (Spoiler!) And It's REALLY gross because They're siblings! And in Ep 29 She KISSES him! Infront of Amu!

And finally, You have the Gaylord: Tadase:

(And he calls himself a man..)

In this anime, the characters defeat X eggs and such…

I strongly recommend that you watch this anime, as it has brought me GREAT pleasure.

I would rate this anime: 9.3

Signing off,


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Update And I'm sorry..

I'M SORRY! I know I haven't been updating... I've had HEAPS of tests this week! I'm sorry!
Yesterday, I had to take let's see 4 tests.. and on Thursday I had to take another one and in total of all the days.. I've had 7 tests this week..

And don't forget two weeks before that I had to take 4 ART TESTS! And I FAIL at it , I FAIL at art.
And This week has been REALLY PISSING me off! I had to listen to the guy I like talk about this other girl he likes and how they kiss and hug every night, and what's worse? They do it on FACEBOOK, that's right, FACEBOOK!

He doesn't even know a bloody thing about her! And I LITERALLY HATE HIS GUTS NOW, because I had to sit down and listen to him RAVE about her. For like 2 hours! Luckily, my brother turned off the internet, pheww...
My, Aid this week has been Emil Chau and his beautiful voice... I've been listening to his songs ever since I can't remember so long ago... But If you don't know him (Click here.), This is his profile and you HAVE to listen to his songs!

Anyway, I'm sorry for not updating sooner I promise I will upload a Shugo Chara review very soon! And I might even do an Ikuto tribute.

Also, I've had an idea for my friend, and I to do an anime review blog.. And I've called the blog Beat That Anime. (You know to stay with the "Beat That" series) Remember MY IDEA. You can access the blog here.

I will still be posting on this blog so please do not worry, and I will continue to upload anime reviews here as well, This blog is the Mastermind still....

Signing Off.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Vampire Knight Anime review

Okay, So, I kinda just finished watching the anime called : "Vampire Knight". Actually, for years I have neglected watching the anime "Vampire Knight". While everyone around me were praising this anime, I just simply thought, "Gosh, My reasons for not watching this anime: It's to do with vampires, It seems like the kind of animes that emos would watch and it just didn't look interesting..."

I know some of you anime lovers out there LOVE this anime and you guys LOVE vampires. Now, I don't see why people think that vampires are hot , cool, lovable. Because to me, Vampires are scary and they're freaks, on the other hand WEREWOLVES they're just awesome. I mean seriously, When you have a WEREWOLF for your boyfriend, you get two pluses! You instantly get a hot boyfriend and a DOG! Where as, if you have a vampire for a boyfriend, all you've got is a freak of nature thirsting for your blood, waiting to just KILL YOU! And also if you ever get sick, they can't warm you up with their body heat, their damn frickin' cold. And they look so pale and white. I mean seriously, who the hell wants that?

Anyway, back to the anime review. Now, if you have never seen Vampire Knight and you don't want me to spoil this for you please stop reading. So, the story line is this:

When this girl named Yuuki, was five years old, she was going to get attacked by a vampire, then this pureblood, named Kaname, comes along and saves her. Now, this Yuuki girl, could only remember that point in her life. That memory was her earliest memory. A headmaster at a school adopts her and takes care of her. A few years later, a boy named: Zero comes along. Apparently, his family got attacked by a pureblood vampire. The headmaster takes him in as well... Also, his parents were Vampire Hunters. Now, in the present time, Zero and Yuuki are in middle school, They're prefects. The story goes on and on, then Yuuki finds out that Zero is a Vampire, she then feeds him blood from time to time... Yuuki has known Zero for 4 years and she never knew that Zero was a vampire... Soon afterwards, Yuuki finds out that she is a pureblood Vampire! And then she finds out that Kaname and herself are siblings... And that their own parents married themselves as well so that they would produce kids that are purebloods as well... Zero, finds out that Yuuki is a pureblood vampire and he hates purebloods, because a pureblood vampire killed his parents and manipulated his twin brother. In the end, Kaname and Yuuki go together and Zero says that if he ever sees Yuki ever again, he'd kill her.

Now, i am pretty upset with this useless thing that says it's anime, because seriously? Yuuki doesn't end up with the hot Zero, No, she ends up with her stupid pureblood brother, i mean seriously?! that's just GROSS! And this anime made me so annoyed! Because everytime, Kaname would always butt in when there was a Zero and Yuuki moment going on..! I have been screaming at my laptop like literally screaming.. And I was so tempted to pull out all my hair! Because this anime just kept annoying me...!

And my hating Vampires kinda didn't help... When I actually finished watching it I was just like YES!! WOOHOO!!! And I started dancing around the house! My parents were just like: " WTH are you doing?!". Now, on with the rating of this anime...

I would rate this anime: 3.7

I'm sorry , And I don't mean to be mean but... It truly sucks!

Signing off,

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fruit Basket!

Okay, So I've been busy watching/ reading Fruit basket! It is the best ever! My favourite character! Is: Kyo! He is the cat and he wasn't allowed to join the zodiac because the rat tricked him! Here's a clip of stuff:

Story line: Tohru, an orphan and is a hard-working girl. Stumbles upon the Sohma's curse of the jyuunishi (Twelve Zodiacs Animal). The Sohmas turn into their original animal spirits when they are hugged by the opposite gender. After some time.. they turn back into their human selves.. Just that, there's a little twist to it...She starts living with the Sohmas and becomes dear friends with all of them! She lives under the same roof with Kyo (Cat), Shigure (Dog) and Yuki (Rat). Until, she meets Akito... (God of all the Zodiac animals). What will happen to them?

This is Akito:

This is Kyo:

This is Shigure:

This is Yuki:

Usually I don't give a rating but: I rate this anime: 7.67 out of 10

I strongly recommend that you watch this anime.. It brought me great pleasure! And I even cried at least 3 times during the whole thing! It also made me LAUGH! There are some HILARIOUS scenes in there and this anime isn't all sexual.. In fact, it doesn't have any sexual scenes.. And if you are going to watch this.. please watch it with japanese audio and english subtitles.. It is so much better that english Dub! I think that this anime is rated PG.. Since it might be for people who have at least reached the age of 12- 13. Please Enjoy watching this.

Signing off.